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How Crucial are Mega Evolutions to Competitive Success?
(Mar 16, 2015, 12:21 AM)GMX Wrote: Megas also offer a simple win condition: if you kill the counters to your Mega, at this point you have something that your opponent can't really touch.

This is a statement that refers to all sweepers mega or not. For instance, if you are found without a counter on their team to your sweepers, you can win. Regardless if your sweeper is mega or not.
Personally I do not find them necessary at all and I've battled in double and brought my mega about 1/10 or 15 battles. It not because this mega doesn't work in my team, because he does. Its just overall there are better sweepers in my team based on the situations.
I believe they're more personal preference.

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RE: How Crucial are Mega Evolutions to Competitive Success? - by Maddie - Mar 16, 2015, 01:11 AM

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