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[BUILD SUBMISSION] [VGC] Altaria Moveset - Attack (Special)
What is the EV spread trying to achieve. I'm perplexed as to why you have 148 speed EVs. What is it supposed to outspeed? Altaria isn't faster than most of the VGC threats to date; Kangaskhan, Landorus, Hydreigon, Gengar, Liepard, Thundurus etc. all outspeed it and threaten it. I'm also wondering why no damage calcs were added for things such as Aegislash's Flash Cannon, Bisharp's Iron Head or Sylveon's Hyper Voice.
The move set really dives at itself seeing as how Fairy hits what Dragon hits for coverage (and even more) making Dragon coverage pretty useless, Moonblast AND Hyper Voice being kinda redundant seeing as how they both function the same way and if the aim is to avoid Wide Guard then it would make more sense just to remove the Wide Guard user with a different coverage move such as Draco Meteor (not Dragon Pulse, this just does way more damage than Altaria can muster with its other moves) or Fire Blast. It isn't a bad build but the move choices don't complement the EV spread seeing as how this Altaria was meant for speed but the absence of Dragon Dance means its only outspeeding base 70s and below who still give it a hard time. Also, why no Protect?
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RE: [VGC] Altaria Moveset - Attack (Special) - by Marcusube - May 19, 2015, 07:08 AM

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