Jul 7, 2015, 10:16 PM
(Jul 7, 2015, 04:04 PM)MudkipLegend Wrote: A couple things come to mind when I see this set. First off this idea of Jigglypuff and Dewgong is awesome and really brings some unique pokemon to this set. However, bulk wins VGC especially in Perish trap teams. A simple 252/252/4 set on scrafty wont cut it. Take advantage of its special defense because it already starts a battle off with giving the opponent -1. Landorus as well, maybe invest some more HP and less speed considering its scarfed. Gengar do not touch its already good. With Gothitelle,Dewgong and Jigglypuff spread the evs out more. Also this team lacks recovery, maybe put leftovers instead of mental herb on Gothitelle or Instead of eject button on Scrafty. With that I dont really see a point of running that on Scrafty. Here are some sets you can use instead.
Scrafty @Assault Vest
252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 164 Def/ 88 Sp Def
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Intimidate
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Snarl/ Super Fang
- Fake Out
Gothitelle @Leftovers
252 HP/ 132 Def/ 124 Sp Def
Nature: Bold
Ability: Shadow Tag
- Trick Room
- Protect
- Calm Mind/ Heal Pulse
- Psychic/ Psyshock
Jigglypuff @Eviolite
60 HP/ 244 Def/ 204 Sp Def
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Friend Guard
- Seismic Toss
- Wish
- Protect
- Disable/ Pain Split
Landorus T@ Choice Scarf
160 HP/ 252 Atk/ 60 Speed
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
- Earthquake (Rock Slide)
- Rock Slide
- U- Turn (Rock Slide)
- Knock off/Superpower (Rock Slide )
(All you will use is rock slide )
Dewgong @Sitrus Berry
252 HP/ 76 Def/ 180 Sp Def
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Calm
- Fake Out
- Perish Song
- Ice Beam/ Icy WInd
- Protect
All in all this team is pretty solid. A lot of the time Bulk will save you when it comes to VGC. Perish trap is evil and I hate anyone who uses it but im here to help. If you have any questions about the spread PM me and I hope this helped and good luck battling! :D
first of all thnx alot for the time to giv a reply to my team. i lov the set on scrafty u suggested as i wanted a more bulkier spread than 252/252/4, as far as the AV is concerned in a perish trap team, i wanna stall out the max turns so AV is not an option and eject button is a big part of the strategy. gothitelle is EV'ed to survive specs hydra's dark pulse while it safely sets uo a move or two,taking in consideration how big of a threat to the team it is. thnx for the jigglypuff spread i think it would work better, i can't quite understand the spread for Lando-t u gave me. i was also planning on doing a more specially defensive spread on dewgong to survive most electric grass attacks as possible while the intimidaters pushed others potential down.