Aug 26, 2015, 01:03 AM
I've been using Metagross-Hydreigon-Sylveon core for a long time now and I'll say this: its practically needs a complete new battle approach/plan (whatever you call it) at this point given most of these three are somewhat handled by some of the most common Pokemon in the game like Mega Kangaskhan, Aegislash, Gardevoir, etc. Don't get me wrong, your team is solid from a synergy standpoint (especially if you're using Mega Metagross+Hydreigon), however there are some there are some nickpicks I'm just gonna take about so you can decide for yourself whether or not this is the right direction.
As mentioned earlier, your team has a good typing synergy on paper so I'll just talk about matchups. At the start of the battle, your team is rather "slow" with the fastest member being Hydreigon (btw I don't know its that suppose to be Modest or Timid based on the set and damage calcs), before Metagross Mega Evolves and gains its full 110 speed. This is something your opponents will play to their advantage as Metagross and Hygreigon can potentially get harassed by faster threats. Your team definite needs more speed control options since all your opponent has to do is either knock out Suicune and/or spread paralysis or setup Trick Room to sweep. Hydreigon CAN learn Tailwind so it can forgo Choice Specs which is a good trade off for Mega Metagross as I tested this out before to great success. The reason I find Tailwind Hydreigon to be so effective is because its able to setup Tailwind at times when your opponent is going to protect. To be honest Hydreigon has a really great matchup against most of the Tailwind Setters in the game (Zapdos, Suicune, Talonflame), resist the elemental attacks (Fire, Grass, Water, Electric), and can still threaten everything on the field with its stab options. If you check the 8th place German Top Cut team from, the player utilized a Timid Tailwind Hydreigon to give his Mega Gardevoir additional turns to sweep with Hyper Voice. To top it off, you can now outspeed Mega Salamence and effectively knock it out with a Draco Meteor or even an HP Ice (if you happen to got that route). If you don't have time to get an HP Ice Hydreigon, then just go with Earth Power to improve the matchup with Heatran, Terrakion, Mega Mawile, Excadrill, etc. If you feel like neither of those two options are viable, then protect is just as good (with Expert Belt) to fool opponents that you are Choice Specs or Scarf. Well here's a sample set right here if you like:
Hydreigon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 16 HP / 32 Def / 244 SpA / 4 SpD / 212 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Tailwind
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Earth Power / Protect
Sylveon is probably the best Fairy type in Doubles with Mega Gardevoir a close second just because she can provide Hyper Voice support without costing Mega Slot and Fairy by itself is a good type. My issue with this set is Sylveon will not be able to pick up the KO on Terrakion.
116+ SpA Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Voice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 144-170 (86.2 - 101.7%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
Terrakion is a huge problem to your team as it can Close Combat Hydreigon and Rock Slide your entire team with the potential flinch chance and the fact that Sylveon cannot OHKO 100% of the time (unless they carry Focus Sash) is problematic. Definitely try using Pixie Plate with about 76 SpA (or 80 SpA if you happen to run HP Ground) and it allows you to invest more into some of your other stats. I did mention using HP Ground since your team is somewhat weak to Aegislash, Heatran, Mega Mawile, and other Fire/Steel/Rock type Pokemon. Shadow Ball only hits Aegislash and Gengar super effectively anyways and Hyper Voice will still be doing a greater damage output especially if it targets both targets for some damage. Helping Hand is a great move for Sylveon to know so I'd keep it for now just to give Sylveon one last support option in case it cannot outspeed either target and is going to get knocked out. This set is slightly less specially defensive but I geuss th
Sample Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 116 Def / 80 SpA / 8 SpD / 76 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Helping Hand
- Protect
Outspeeds Timid max speed thundurus under tailwind
KOs standard Terrakion without Sash
The Metagross set is solid so I'm not gonna say anything else about Sub Metagross. If you do decide to run Mega Metagross without Sub, try using Hammer Arm and/or Ice Punch. Hammer Arm Mega Metagross basically give it perfect coverage with Zen Headbutt though the 90% chance to miss and speed drop can be annoying. Here's a list of targets Mega Metagross literally hits super effectively now with Hammer Arm before using its STAB options: Mega Kangaskhan, Bisharp, Tyranitar, Heatran, Mega Gyarados, Excadrill, Hydreigon, Ferrothorn and plenty of other targets (recommend you to do some damage calcs for HA). Best part is you can mitigate the speed drop with the Tailwind from Suicune or Hydreigon, though Mega Metagross's speed will be at 234 (the actual speed factoring -1 + Tailwind) so take note of that. Ice Punch is for the usual Double Genie and Mega Salamence since it basically gets the OHKOs or close to it.
I guess the only thing to do with the Suicune set is give it a Sitrus Berry so it has plenty of time to setup Tailwind. Snarl Suicune is a great choice to reduce the damage output of special attackers though be weary of spamming it against teams who have Milotic, Bisharp, or Terrakion. Honestly, I could see Milotic here just to prevent the opponent from spamming Intimidate drops against Mega Metagross and Landorus-T but that's up to you to decide. To be honest, AV Landorus-T is a great set since it can take repeated special attacks and tank strong Water and Ice hits (except from Greninja). For now I don't recommend any changes on either of these two but ask if there's an issue like the speed creep or something.
Finally Rotom-H is turning out to be the best Rotom form in the current meta since it can wall some Pokemon like Thundurus, Zapdos, Heatran, Char Y, Amoonguss, etc. My only recommendation is to try out some other sets for Rotom-H such as the defensive variations so it can take on some his while maybe spreading burns (will-o-wisp) or paralysis (thunder wave)
Well that's all I have for your team so good luck testing.
As mentioned earlier, your team has a good typing synergy on paper so I'll just talk about matchups. At the start of the battle, your team is rather "slow" with the fastest member being Hydreigon (btw I don't know its that suppose to be Modest or Timid based on the set and damage calcs), before Metagross Mega Evolves and gains its full 110 speed. This is something your opponents will play to their advantage as Metagross and Hygreigon can potentially get harassed by faster threats. Your team definite needs more speed control options since all your opponent has to do is either knock out Suicune and/or spread paralysis or setup Trick Room to sweep. Hydreigon CAN learn Tailwind so it can forgo Choice Specs which is a good trade off for Mega Metagross as I tested this out before to great success. The reason I find Tailwind Hydreigon to be so effective is because its able to setup Tailwind at times when your opponent is going to protect. To be honest Hydreigon has a really great matchup against most of the Tailwind Setters in the game (Zapdos, Suicune, Talonflame), resist the elemental attacks (Fire, Grass, Water, Electric), and can still threaten everything on the field with its stab options. If you check the 8th place German Top Cut team from, the player utilized a Timid Tailwind Hydreigon to give his Mega Gardevoir additional turns to sweep with Hyper Voice. To top it off, you can now outspeed Mega Salamence and effectively knock it out with a Draco Meteor or even an HP Ice (if you happen to got that route). If you don't have time to get an HP Ice Hydreigon, then just go with Earth Power to improve the matchup with Heatran, Terrakion, Mega Mawile, Excadrill, etc. If you feel like neither of those two options are viable, then protect is just as good (with Expert Belt) to fool opponents that you are Choice Specs or Scarf. Well here's a sample set right here if you like:
Hydreigon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 16 HP / 32 Def / 244 SpA / 4 SpD / 212 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def
- Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Tailwind
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Earth Power / Protect
Sylveon is probably the best Fairy type in Doubles with Mega Gardevoir a close second just because she can provide Hyper Voice support without costing Mega Slot and Fairy by itself is a good type. My issue with this set is Sylveon will not be able to pick up the KO on Terrakion.
116+ SpA Pixilate Sylveon Hyper Voice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Terrakion: 144-170 (86.2 - 101.7%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
Terrakion is a huge problem to your team as it can Close Combat Hydreigon and Rock Slide your entire team with the potential flinch chance and the fact that Sylveon cannot OHKO 100% of the time (unless they carry Focus Sash) is problematic. Definitely try using Pixie Plate with about 76 SpA (or 80 SpA if you happen to run HP Ground) and it allows you to invest more into some of your other stats. I did mention using HP Ground since your team is somewhat weak to Aegislash, Heatran, Mega Mawile, and other Fire/Steel/Rock type Pokemon. Shadow Ball only hits Aegislash and Gengar super effectively anyways and Hyper Voice will still be doing a greater damage output especially if it targets both targets for some damage. Helping Hand is a great move for Sylveon to know so I'd keep it for now just to give Sylveon one last support option in case it cannot outspeed either target and is going to get knocked out. This set is slightly less specially defensive but I geuss th
Sample Sylveon @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 116 Def / 80 SpA / 8 SpD / 76 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Helping Hand
- Protect
Outspeeds Timid max speed thundurus under tailwind
KOs standard Terrakion without Sash
The Metagross set is solid so I'm not gonna say anything else about Sub Metagross. If you do decide to run Mega Metagross without Sub, try using Hammer Arm and/or Ice Punch. Hammer Arm Mega Metagross basically give it perfect coverage with Zen Headbutt though the 90% chance to miss and speed drop can be annoying. Here's a list of targets Mega Metagross literally hits super effectively now with Hammer Arm before using its STAB options: Mega Kangaskhan, Bisharp, Tyranitar, Heatran, Mega Gyarados, Excadrill, Hydreigon, Ferrothorn and plenty of other targets (recommend you to do some damage calcs for HA). Best part is you can mitigate the speed drop with the Tailwind from Suicune or Hydreigon, though Mega Metagross's speed will be at 234 (the actual speed factoring -1 + Tailwind) so take note of that. Ice Punch is for the usual Double Genie and Mega Salamence since it basically gets the OHKOs or close to it.
I guess the only thing to do with the Suicune set is give it a Sitrus Berry so it has plenty of time to setup Tailwind. Snarl Suicune is a great choice to reduce the damage output of special attackers though be weary of spamming it against teams who have Milotic, Bisharp, or Terrakion. Honestly, I could see Milotic here just to prevent the opponent from spamming Intimidate drops against Mega Metagross and Landorus-T but that's up to you to decide. To be honest, AV Landorus-T is a great set since it can take repeated special attacks and tank strong Water and Ice hits (except from Greninja). For now I don't recommend any changes on either of these two but ask if there's an issue like the speed creep or something.
Finally Rotom-H is turning out to be the best Rotom form in the current meta since it can wall some Pokemon like Thundurus, Zapdos, Heatran, Char Y, Amoonguss, etc. My only recommendation is to try out some other sets for Rotom-H such as the defensive variations so it can take on some his while maybe spreading burns (will-o-wisp) or paralysis (thunder wave)
Well that's all I have for your team so good luck testing.