Sep 15, 2015, 02:57 PM
hm. hm. hm. That is solid. I have run mega harry for some time and have thus far avoided tailwind support because of some of the reasons you have cited. The only tailwind pokemon that I ever have trouble shutting down before it gets the wind going is zapdos. It seems like it's usually a burden to set up with certain exceptions and if trick room hits it does get wrecked....
This has been super productive for me. I do not regret obtaining the pokemon that I had to breed for this team despite the fact that I'm probably not going to run them together anymore. I might get a lot of use out of the gengar and maybe I'll eventually get some rain going and give megagross another shot(honestly though I just don't have it in me right now to start breeding poliwag).
I'll be back over the next week's time to post the new team to see if anyone has anymore advice or just voyeuristic joy looking at it XD
This has been super productive for me. I do not regret obtaining the pokemon that I had to breed for this team despite the fact that I'm probably not going to run them together anymore. I might get a lot of use out of the gengar and maybe I'll eventually get some rain going and give megagross another shot(honestly though I just don't have it in me right now to start breeding poliwag).
I'll be back over the next week's time to post the new team to see if anyone has anymore advice or just voyeuristic joy looking at it XD