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My life earlier this year was a sad really,I was quite well "fat" to admit or to realise it till I my time is up and it is time to serve my nation with the other "boys" in my country in National Service. There are three different forces you will be posted to but I manage to get into the one I want, the Police Force, the men in blue (just like the color of the Shiny Mew :P) Spend a hellish 5 month plus in Basic Military Training where you live in strict rules and regulations. Survive it and came out fit and healthy as ever and also I was posted out into a unit where I will serve and protect for the remaining of the 2 years of National Service. The unit specialized in taking care of the accuse once being sentenced by the judge and also to handle them in lock up before or after they have been sentence and brought back to prison. Currently still serving my jail term.. I mean my National Service with the remaining 9 months and I hope it will still go smoothly. I also hope next year my resume to pursue my line of job in the Police Force is accepted and I can further protect and serve my country with the Shiny Mew with me. Thanks. Smile

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by LustfulAki - Dec 8, 2015, 08:47 PM

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