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I don't have a chance with this I always lose in class with Bingo and that stuff you guys you know what I mean
This year was a good year because I made my parents very happy I helped them very much.

Does it really mind how much I wright, If I am right let me know
Then Il wright some more but now I don't really have time because I am gonna help my parents like I this year did to, Oh I can wright more my mum wants me to relax

Everyone Merry Christmas, our country isn't really a christmas country but still I love christmas as much as you guys.

And we have got a really cool and big Christmas tree and I like the tree we have.

Instead of Santa Claus. We have Sinterklaas he's really cool to, but I think that Santa Claus is cooler but Sinterklaas has a Big white beard just like Santa Claus and that makes them much cooler.

I know what I sad wasn't very important
but I didn't had anything else to say only that i love my family and this community and pokemon, but I have to stop some time with pokemon,
Because I am not gonna play pokemon till 42, I think you guys understand what I mean, I am now 12 years old and when the time has come I will stop with pokemon and then I will continue with my life and help my parents even more, I will not stop with pokemon this year or the year after this year or the year after that other year but after that year I think I am to old to play pokemon, but maybe in that year I still love pokemon but I will always love my family. And maybe then I will think back about the times I played pokemon and will look back on my ds again and then I see what I did when I was as as I am now, I would love to wright more but maybe I will be late for this giveaway. I don't really mind but still, I did only because I love to wright for other people

Once again I say I love my family and this community and pokemon

One other thing PrincessSylveon I would love if you would read this whole.... I don't know how to call this but you know what I mean!
And thank you anyway.

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by wolfogo010 - Dec 9, 2015, 08:31 AM

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