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Are you in College, High school, or already have your life worked out?
I graduated from college with a Physics major and have been working as an engineer for over 6 years. I'd say I'm in the "figured it out" category. I am married and my first kid will be coming out any second now...

I still play video games (bought Smash / Pokemon launch day), but one thing you will learn after college is the old saying, "when I was young, I had all the time in the world but I couldn't afford to do what I want, and now that I'm old, I can afford it but don't have time for it" is very true...

I am primarily a PC gamer, but also play Xbox (360 / One) and have a 3ds and Wii U as well.

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RE: Are you in College, High school, or already have your life worked out? - by seabiscuit68 - Nov 23, 2014, 07:24 AM

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