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Advice on my Goodra idea.
So, although i've played Pokemon since red and blue i've only recently gotten into the competitive side of Pokemon.

Now with the Goodra that I'm raising, I was looking for some advice on a few things.

Goodra @ Leftovers
Ability: Gooey
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Toxic
- Rest
- Outrage

So this is what I'm making it a defensive pokemon, raising it's attack and defence and then using Outrage.

What item should i use for this though and is there any other advice on what i could change?
you could possiibly go with a chesto-resto set soak up some damage while using curse and then use rest to heal up and wake up then destroy

or since you're using outrage you could use a lum berry so after when you get confused the lum berry gets rid of the confustion and since its a lum you could use it like a chesto berry or the chesto-resto, but then you'd have to chose, wake up early, or no more confusion
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You need to be careful since this particular goodra set is potentially setup fodder for a ton of fairys and steel types regardless of any format. Anyways I think you should run sap sipper so that this goodra isn't put to sleep by spore users plus you'll get a +1 in your attack immediately. I think you should use earthquake instead of toxic just to hit steel type pokemon at least.
The ability I wasn't really set on anyway, but I'll definitely take sap sipper into consideration.

I'll also test out earthquake in place of toxic and I'll see which of the berries works better.

Thanks for the advice and i'll let you guys know how things go. I'll check regurarly to see if anyone else posts and see how i could work anything else in.
Very different but why physical? Outrage isn't worth it for that. Use that SP.attack you got.
I've got a 5 IV for special attack, just trying something out.
I've always run Goodra with Flamethrower, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, and Dragon Pulse, with Assault Vest.

I've always ran an Assault Vest Goodra as well, but I think your set is interesting. Definitely not something I've seen before but I believe it could work. I would run a Chesto or Lum berry like Animekid7 said instead of Leftovers. There's probably another Pokemon on your team that can benefit from Leftover a bit more while your Goodra's set would benefit more from one of the berries.
(Dec 27, 2014, 07:54 AM)beastmoose Wrote: I've always run Goodra with Flamethrower, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, and Dragon Pulse, with Assault Vest.

This is the way I was going to run my special attack Goodra.

With the physical attacking Goodra, i've put a Chesto berry on it and tested it out against a few of my friends. went 2/1 against them using this Goodra.
Run Chesto Berry instead of Leftovers. Those two turns of sleep can put you at a disadvantage as the opponent can set up on you. Also, the lack of steel type and fairy type coverage may put your stratergy 6 feet under. Sap Sipper would also be better instead of Gooey because someone can easily come in on your setup and leech seed you, forcing you to switch out.
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