Poll: Which do you prefer?
Main series games
Pokemon go
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Am I the only one who just doesn't care...
...about Pokemon Go one bit? I'm seriously the biggest Pokemon fan out of all my friends. (Not being concieted either, if any of my friends have Pokemon questions, they come directly to me.) but for some reason, I'm not feeling the appeal of Pokemon Go. I've tried playing it, but it just didn't feel the same. I think I prefer main series Pokemon games instead. Don't hate on me, I'm just not a fan lol.. and honestly can't wait for the hype to die.
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
I'd probably like it more if I knew what I was doing tbh. I opened the app, got confused when it got to the map thing and uninstalled it :') Either way the main games are better
Being the big pokemon fan of my friend group i have the same feeling. Because the game doesnt feel like pokemon to me. BUT i really like pokemon go, because it gets me outside and moving, its nice to play with just the original 151 again (not saying i dont like newer gens, its just going oldschool once in a while) but the main reason i like it is because its social. Im out hunting with my friends who are pokemon fans, people who never owned a nintendo product, and people who just dont play video games. it brings alot of differant people together and its nice to run into other people i don't know playing it. The game brings all walks of life together and gives us all a common ground to chat and have fun with.  The first few levels of teh game are wonky and you will run into more ratata's and pidgeys then you can deal with (they are worse then zubats in caves) But once you get into the grove of the game its fun. 

The main games are still really fun, but iv had more exciting moments playing pokemon go then i have playing the regular games.
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
Love the concept, but not a fan of the execution. There has to be something I'm missing. Is there more to the game than "catching them all" and securing gyms?
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I think Pokemon Go is just a simple, good start for people to just move around a notch. I been asked by few people, who told me "Pokemon Go?" every time I walk around w/ my phone outside lol. In my opinion, I think what this game kinda lacks is mostly the Pokemon trading option and the other pokemon from different regions. I will be surprised and maybe hope that Pokemon Go will be implemented in future games.
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Jul 11, 2016, 03:01 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: I think Pokemon Go is just a simple, good start for people to just move around a notch. I been asked by few people, who told me "Pokemon Go?" every time I walk around w/ my phone outside lol. In my opinion, I think what this game kinda lacks is mostly the Pokemon trading option and the other pokemon from different regions. I will be surprised and maybe hope that Pokemon Go will be implemented in future games.

Basically this. The game works great as a tool to learn your town a little better because the Pokestops are usually historically significant. There's an outdoor mall near me with 2 gyms and several Pokestops, so it's also just fun to go out and play with friends. It could use a trading feature similar to the GTS. And they NEED to update the battling system for this to have any longevity. But I think it's a fun game, it gets me out of the house and I know more about the area I live in now.
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?
i think it's way for people who are not into playing games to try out pokemon. more people have smart phones then gaming consels so it's more easy for people to play and try pokemon. at least that's how i see it. anyone have anything to add?
(Jul 11, 2016, 02:41 PM)Justin Wrote: Love the concept, but not a fan of the execution. There has to be something I'm missing. Is there more to the game than "catching them all" and securing gyms?
 Keep in mind the current game is being treated like an open beta(even though its not one). They plan on adding trading, player vs player combat, and a few other features.
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
im in agreement. its ok but id rather play my 3ds lol.

@devilmoth  your right.
I'm actually unsure what Pokemon go is like my iPad doesn't have the right system to access a G.P.S signal and my phone doesn't have the right iOS to play it

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