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Since XY and ORAS brought new 3 awesome abilities: pixilate, aerilate and glaciate,i thought about an awesome strategy using
only 1 move: round.

Round = normal type base power60

This move increases in power when used by different Pokémon on your side in a single turn. When Round is used by multiple Pokémon, the Pokémon will immediately use it, regardless of Speed or Priority. Each consecutive use of this move has the power doubled up until it hits the maximum of 240

The first thing u need is a timid scarf porygon-z with the ability adaptibility: that means round will have 120 base power instead of 60.
Second a pokemon with 1 of the 3 abilities from above: round = 120*1.3*1.5 power. and the best thing is that it hits after the first round hits so u can use the ev u would usually use for speed for something else.

So, what do u think about this strategy?

P.S: U can use scarf porygon-z with discharge with mega sceptile
Cool idea! let us know how it works out!
since it will take a couple of days till i get the game and finish it here's a sample on pokemonshowdown
This is a very interesting set. Awesome job on it!
I'm just here.

Nice find. We will see if it works out.
i think touched on this a bit in my mega altaria analysis watch out for this move especially since altaria has access to cotton guard and roost for sustain. Coupled with the fact many common pokemon are weak to fairy tyranitar and salamence to name a couple Smile

Edit: Only downside is that this strat is entirely dependent on porygon Z not getting obliterated since without him your teams speed is going to plummet for many of the pokemon with the abilities + good use of protect will mess with this strat since the key target for your foe (porygon) always has to attack. i mean correct me if i'm wrong but if the guy in the first replay had hit porygon instead of auroras with M-lopunny that could have been game over for your team. I mean ik its a gimmick strat but it feels very reliant that the foe doesn't realize how round works or doesn't that focusing porygon is the key to beating the strat. i dno i might be underestimating this gimmick since i actually know what round is having already used it in triple battles a few times XD
(Dec 3, 2014, 10:36 AM)evilsabre Wrote: i think touched on this a bit in my mega altaria analysis watch out for this move especially since altaria has access to cotton guard and roost for sustain. Coupled with the fact many common pokemon are weak to fairy tyranitar and salamence to name a couple Smile

Edit: Only downside is that this strat is entirely dependent on porygon Z not getting obliterated since without him your teams speed is going to plummet for many of the pokemon with the abilities + good use of protect will mess with this strat since the key target for your foe (porygon) always has to attack. i mean correct me if i'm wrong but if the guy in the first replay had hit porygon instead of auroras with M-lopunny that could have been game over for your team. I mean ik its a gimmick strat but it feels very reliant that the foe doesn't realize how round works or doesn't that focusing porygon is the key to beating the strat. i dno i might be underestimating this gimmick since i actually know what round is having already used it in triple battles a few times XD

in case porygon-z gets ko i also look to have another fast pokemon in team greninja, meka alakazam, etc.
here are some videos from omega ruby using round strategy. even mega rayquaza or the primal pokemons don't stand a chance

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