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[CLOSED] Shiny flygooooon
Hello my frands, it is I, w2.

Today, I am going to give away via direct trade, one of the first pokemon I have ever masuda breed. My shiny, 5 IV, baaaattle ready, naughty nature, flygon \o/
[Image: 330.gif]
He comes with a choice scarf, 5IV's in hp, attack, defense, Special defense, aaaaand speeeeeed, and he's comin to ya in a nest ball. He earthquakes, he has outrages, he fire blasts, aaand he u-turns, and to help celebrate my birthday he could be yours!

Now to get this wonderful pokemon, a few small rules must be placed
  • Post count on the forum must be 30 posts or higher. I wanna give this to someone who actually contributes to the forum Smile
  • Answer me these questions three: (that means all of them in case you didn't know)What is your favorite ground type, dragon type, or pokemon with levitate. How Hype are you for sun and moon, and finally what is your favorite color.
  • Finally, to win this flygon, name a number from 1 to 151. I shall rng a number, should you guess the number, or have the closest guess, you get to enjoy this flygon.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's about it! Remember to adhere to these rules, for you will be ignored completely should you fail these commandments! Praise the dark lord chinchin, and have a wonderful day!
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
Sandslash is my favourite ground type since he was in my original back 2 team,
favourite dragon type would probably be salamence,
and my favourite levitate pokemon is gengar.

My favourite colour is blue, no wait it's red, never mind it's green. (I'll settle on turqoise)

I am very very very very very very hyped for sun and moon (Really annoyed about the UK 5 day delay

also my number is 64
(It's my favourite one)

pure ground type: sandslash; otherwise Swampert

pure dragon type: Dratini; otherwise Rayquaza

Pokemon with levitate: Origin form Giratina

2) really hyped, but still sad europe has 7 days to go ;_;

3) Green

I will take number 84
What is your favorite ground type, dragon type, or pokemon with levitate. Ground type - Excadrill Dragon type - Druddigon Levitate mon - Eelektross
How Hype are you for sun and moon. Very hyped :O
and finally what is your favorite color. Green

I'll take 49
Dragonite is my favorite dragon type pokemon, old school 151 are the best and dragonite was just amazing.

SUPER hyped, preordered Sun months ago so ready to have it Friday.

Blue. I love water pokemon!

Phanphy is my fave ground type.
Really hyped, I have been good and looked at no spoilers Smile
Favorite color is blue.

I will choose 13 as my number.
Water is best type, they are beautiful and strong.
What is your favorite ground type, dragon type, or pokemon with levitate? Favorite Dragon-type is Salamance
How Hype are you for sun and moon? Not in the slightest
What is your favorite color? Nice Monty Python reference. The answer is blue (both in the movie and real life)

My number is 29
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
I am going to end this giveaway tomorrow 10am PST, so answer me those questions three while you still can!
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
My favorite ground type would be : Rhydon!
My favorite dragon type would be : Goodra
My favorite pokemon with levitate would be : Gengar

I'm super hyped for Su/Mo, I've pre-ordered Moon (only 2 more days!!!)

My favorite color is : Green

My number guess is : 87
My favorite dragon type is flygon, my favorite ground type is flygon, my favorite levitate mon is flygon, and my favorite color is flygon.

I am beyond hyped for sun and moon. \_ Smile _/

144 is meh numbur

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