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[DISCUSSION] Completing Games
When I manage to get them, I'll try to!
Huge Wall of Text Alert
I 100%'ed The Binding of Issac Rebirth and then a little while later its update The Binding of Issac Afterbirth (and another update is coming in a few days :D ), its was a difficult processes, the game has two characters that makes playing through and living nightmare.
Basically the game is a rogue-like dungeon similar to the original zelda game, and fire tears, moving along picking up items to change how it looks and acts. Your objective to 100% is to unlock and pick-up (atleast once) every item in the game, you unlock items by doing things such as defeating special bosses / Get all the achievement.
The difficult characters that made me wanna cry are:
The Lost:
A character that dies in one hit, no matter how strong or weak the enemy is, there are only two items in the game that can help extend his life, one that give you extra hit (per room) and one that give you 9 extra lives. He starts with flight and Spectral Tears (can pass through solid objects) to help. Defeating a certain boss will allow him to start with the item that gives you an extra hit.
The Keeper:
A character with two "coins" as health, the only way to restore health is to pick up money and health up items dont increase your health, there are alot of items that can help. There are a bunch of items that can help him survive longer.

These two characters took forever to defeat the final bosses and unlock the last couple items, alot of times i would restart until i got the right items, but im glad in the end i was able to 100% i love the game and i cant wait the for the new update
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
@ChaseInfinity Huge Respect for you man, I've spent 108 hours (according to steam) on The binding of Isaac and I've only got 157/276 achievements.
(BTW, Whats your steam name?)
That's pretty hardcore Chase :D Currently trying to get as much achievements as I can in GTA 5
(Dec 27, 2016, 06:48 PM)mario2750 Wrote: @ChaseInfinity Huge Respect for you man, I've spent 108 hours (according to steam) on The binding of Isaac and I've only got 157/276 achievements.
(BTW, Whats your steam name?)

My actual steam name is 8bit_Knight (my old username was taken so i just chose something), but my nickname is ChaseInfinity, one of those will find me
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Completing the Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap with 3 hearts only in my second gameplay was one of the biggest challenge I ever done years ago. I wish i didnt lose my physical copy to play again. It was pretty fun doing that after beating the game and collecting everything in the first file.
Spyro - Year of the Dragon
Rayman 2 - The Great Escape
The Grinch
Crash Bash

It was almost impossible to get a 100% save file on these games.. it took me 3 years do finish them all. HARDCORE KID GAMER INTENSIFIED
Ive beaten sonic 3 and knuckles...
It was hard because on
FOUR CHARACTERS if you count sonic and tails together as their own character
and collect 14 EMERALDS
And beat every ZONE INCLUDING DOOMSDAY ZONE but not with tails
and keep your sanity in the process
Ive also completed Super mario world, Sonic 1, new super mario bros u,  and almost beat {not completed} super meat boy{ on final boss}
(Dec 28, 2016, 09:14 AM)Doombringr Wrote: Ive also completed Super mario world, Sonic 1, new super mario bros u,  and almost beat {not completed} super meat boy{ on final boss}
Wow man we have alot in common
I've 100% completed:
Super Mario World
​​​​​All of the New super Mario bros games
and almost Super Mario 3d world.
I'm also stuck on the final boss of super meat boy.

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