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[DISCUSSION] FT: Shiny Hunting Service
@devilmoth Just read it, aha. Sorry for being so late but I added ya and I'm ready to go :]!
I don't mind. I'm searching for two espurrs of opposite sex's and have found two shiny drowzees so far instead ah
I tend to give away free shinies.
@ForestEmerald hi would U like to trade your volcanion? I have a shiny spinda a shiny magikarp and a shiny swablu? Take two of u want :-)
@Cescone Hi, sure thing. Could I please trade it for the shiny Spinda and Swablu?
Yeah that's fine I'll be online in about 2 hours if that's ok ? @ForestEmerald
@Cescone Okay, PM me when you're ready to trade.
@ForestEmerald I'm ready when u are :-)
@ForestEmerald thanks a lot :-)
+1 rep :-)
@NoRaTiX could you please hunt a Metang for me?
I can offer Relicanth, Corphish, Remoraid, Mightyena and Basculin. They are all shiny. I can even give you two Corphish if you want to.
Help is very appreciated! And if you don't want one of these shinies, it is fine Smile
@Tomatoman1 how many are you offering for the metang?
I tend to give away free shinies.

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