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FT Marill adamant with aqua jet and belly drum and HA gligar
FT Marill adamant with sheer force etc etc and HA gligar

LF breedjects with right nature and some with good HA
Are you able to nickname the Gligar? And is it Male or Female?
(Apr 24, 2016, 03:28 AM)ForestEmerald Wrote: Are you able to nickname the Gligar?
 yes but what do you have?

and i can breed any gender, it will be ha with the right nature tho and 5 random iv
I have a Female Vulpix with HA Drought and two Egg Moves: Flare Blitz and Hypnosis. Is that okay?
@ForestEmerald what nature though?
It's Modest.
(Apr 24, 2016, 03:43 AM)ForestEmerald Wrote: It's Modest.

Alright, i will breed you in a bit my gligar since I am studying now. he has immunity and has adamant nature, is that okay? and what nick and gender?
Sounds good, just tell me when you're ready to trade. Could I please have a Female one with the nickname Nyx, thank you.
I have a timid charmander with d-dance ancient power and d-pulse and 5-Iv (It does not have HA because It will be charizard Y)
would like a marill for it!
Thanks! :D
@Anton tru, no need for HA! I would love the charmander. I have a box fulll of sheer force marills with nature and egg moves. add me! ima add you in a lil

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