Hi guys i am back with another thread, this time for the purpose of discussing our playstyles. this is a thing i find alot of clashes in the RMT section of the site, where one person (in his/her opinion) leaves good advice which isn't compatible to the other's playstyle which creates confusion and causes fights which isn't good at all.
so now we will be discussing our playstyles with this thread to get better advice when someone rates our RMT threads. My Style includes to take advantage of he unknown and then counter your opponents with them, that is why most of my teams and m movesets include unexpected tricks and jobs in teams. this for me turns out well, as i can easily get OHKO'es my surprise and no one expects these too. i also have a passion to twist on meta and use the ideas i am currently interested in and applying them into my teams, e.g recently i am into giving a team the monstrous support of mega sableye *that may not work for you at all* and other things like that too.
Hope you guys like the purpose of the threads and leave yours' playtyles down there so atleast if not everyone some could give you advice that suites you well, and may turn in your favor, Thanks for reading through!! Bye for now!
My play style is quite defensive. I know there's quite a few of the top players in the world that are all for the meta becoming much more defence based.
I like to use mons that have good defences that can benefit from items like life orb/expert belt. It's all about balance for me. Balance and speed control.
My favorite playstyle is mostly balance but leaning toward the defensive end. While I can play hyper offense to a fairly ok degree, I just don't like the frequency which you're forced to make predictions and plays in order to gain the upperhand. I'm never been a someone who's literally a god at making predictions like some of the top tier players in VGC or Smogon so I often lean towards making bulky teams that synergize well with each other and takes few risks and high rewards as well.
Probably the best team that resonates this notion is my 2nd Place Mega Salamence team given it applies a ton of defensive pressure to the point where I can start Dragon Dancing with Mega Salamence and hopefully sweep the opposing team from there. Basically the goal of that team is to beat every potential threat to either Mence or Ferrothorn and have those 2 close of games.
I guess the only issue with this playstyle is playing "too safe", especially in a best of 3 setting since my opponents will eventually pick up my attacking patterns or worse make reads accordingly. Lately I've been trying just let my Pokemon faint for a safe switch instead of making aggressive switch ins since that's probably my weakest point. That's why it's probably best to test out a multitude of teams and playstyle just to see how well I perform.
Sep 1, 2015, 03:40 AM (This post was last modified: Sep 1, 2015, 03:49 AM by ChaseInfinity.)
I'd say my play style is Hyper Offensive but I'm really try to balance my teams out more, I know if I'm not focused I can get really reckless and loses a game I could have easily won, so I trying to slow down and play a lot more strategically
Of course I always love to put some type of hidden gem on my team (or maybe an uncommon move on a Pokemon), it's keeps the game exciting for me, I'd probably lose interest in the game if I didn't just do something for fun (even though it probably hurts my team more than helps )
I play more offensively, and rarely have a support Pokemon (or even a hard tank!), and I don't use things like Trick Room, Tailwind, or Rain very much. I also tend to go for slower, bulkier Pokemon that can also hit very hard.