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[RATE MY TEAM] First Competitive Team
Thundurus @ Leftovers
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Speed / 4 Def
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- Focus Blast

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
Ability: Infilrator
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Flamethrower
- Hex
- Will-O-Wisp
- Dark Pulse

Landorus-T @ Razor Fang
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- U-Turn
- Giga Impact
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Rotom W @ Sitrus Berry
Nature: Calm
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 164 SpD / 92 SpA
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunderbolt
- Protect

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Scrappy / M-Parental Bond
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Fake Out
- Power-Up Punch
- Return
- Ice Punch

Gengar @ Gengarite
Nature: Timid
Ability Levitate / M-Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
- Hex
- Dazzling Gleam
- Focus Blast
- Protect

Any feedback would be appreciated. This is my first competitive team in a very long time. I would like to keep the two Mega Evolutions available. I was wanting to put M-Charizard Y over M-Gengar but I really like the use of Hex with Prankster Thundurus & Will-O from Rotom. I was thinking about cutting some of the SpA EVs on Chandelure to make up for its frailty. So if someone could help me with EVs that would be awesome. The last time I played the VG competitively was back during GSC on the GBA.
  • The largest issue here is that your team has 2 weaknesses to Rock AND nothing on your team resists it.
  • Scarfed Chandelure doesn't outspeed Landorus-T, who is very common, and that fact alone makes it hard to run with this method of speed control.

  • I'm assuming you're using a raw Thundurus that wasn't genned or powersaved which is why you aren't running HP Ice over Focus Blast. Not a bad choice but the accuracy of the move is going to make some matches hell, even to the point where you stop bringing it
  • It'd make more sense to give Lando the scarf and give Chandelure a Life Orb. Also Giga Impact is a bad choice since it doesn't pick up many kills and it leaves you stunned for a turn. Go for Superpower, Earth Power, Hidden Power Ice or Stone Edge.
  • You generally only need 60 EVs in special attack for what you need to take out with Rotom. Spread the EVs out to give you a better chance against common special attackers like Sylveon, Salamence, Aegislash and Hydreigon
  • For a Kangaskhan set like this, it makes more sense to use an Adamant nature, cut back on the Attack and Speed EVs for more bulk and do your thing.
  • Mega Gengar doesn't fit on this team at all. A simple Focus Sash Gengar with Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Sludge Bomb and Icy Wind is all you need
  • Also you have common weaknesses to Water, Ice and Dark which are also common offensive types used in VGC.

Overall a 6.5/10.

You need to drop some team mates that don't work towards your strategy, EV your Pokemon and have at least two forms of speed control that work for this team. Some of these sets are hit or miss so they may not work all the time meaning you need to have a plan B. The choice of items is weird but not in a good way since Leftovers is for formats with longer turn durations, like Smogon, the Choice Scarf gives Chandelure speed but max EVs has it overshooting what it needs to but not being fast enough to stop faster threats. Razor Fang is impractical since Landorus-T without a Choice Scarf is outsped by Thundurus, Kangaskhan etc. all of which you want to get Rock Slide flinches on.
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At first my Landorus had the Choice Scarf but I really don't like the Choice items. I know they are needed for certain Pokemon but I just started getting back into playing. Since Kang is widely used I like the Jolly to be able to outspeed the other Kangs. I think I'm just going to drop all the Ghost entirely, although I do love Chandelures 427 SpA. I'm going to cut the Ice Punch from Kang and put back the original move I had in its place. Honestly I forgot Landorus still had Giga Impact so I'm gonna check the Hidden Power of him later to see if its Ice or not. Yes I soft-resetted for all the Legendaries. I don't ever plan on using Powersaves or genning for any of my Pokemon I will be the OT trainer of everything I use in battles.

All in all a 6.5 isn't that bad for a random team of stuff I like. Changes are needed for sure thats why I thought I would get someone's opinion on the team. What Pokemon should I replace on this team? I do want to keep the Kang and Genies if possible to make a good team with them. I've got alot of other BR Pokemon and can breed for anything. Thanks for the feedback.
(May 23, 2015, 06:03 AM)Marcusube Wrote:
  • The largest issue here is that your team has 2 weaknesses to Rock AND nothing on your team resists it.
  • Scarfed Chandelure doesn't outspeed Landorus-T, who is very common, and that fact alone makes it hard to run with this method of speed control.

  • I'm assuming you're using a raw Thundurus that wasn't genned or powersaved which is why you aren't running HP Ice over Focus Blast. Not a bad choice but the accuracy of the move is going to make some matches hell, even to the point where you stop bringing it
  • It'd make more sense to give Lando the scarf and give Chandelure a Life Orb. Also Giga Impact is a bad choice since it doesn't pick up many kills and it leaves you stunned for a turn. Go for Superpower, Earth Power, Hidden Power Ice or Stone Edge.
  • You generally only need 60 EVs in special attack for what you need to take out with Rotom. Spread the EVs out to give you a better chance against common special attackers like Sylveon, Salamence, Aegislash and Hydreigon
  • For a Kangaskhan set like this, it makes more sense to use an Adamant nature, cut back on the Attack and Speed EVs for more bulk and do your thing.
  • Mega Gengar doesn't fit on this team at all. A simple Focus Sash Gengar with Hex, Will-o-Wisp, Sludge Bomb and Icy Wind is all you need
  • Also you have common weaknesses to Water, Ice and Dark which are also common offensive types used in VGC.

Overall a 6.5/10.

You need to drop some team mates that don't work towards your strategy, EV your Pokemon and have at least two forms of speed control that work for this team. Some of these sets are hit or miss so they may not work all the time meaning you need to have a plan B. The choice of items is weird but not in a good way since Leftovers is for formats with longer turn durations, like Smogon, the Choice Scarf gives Chandelure speed but max EVs has it overshooting what it needs to but not being fast enough to stop faster threats. Razor Fang is impractical since Landorus-T without a Choice Scarf is outsped by Thundurus, Kangaskhan etc. all of which you want to get Rock Slide flinches on.
Marc the critic over here Kappa
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century

Forum Ninja
Hi there G Max!  I notice that you haven't received feedback on this team so I'll give you pointers here and there. First off this team is a bit standard, nothing wrong with that since, like you said you're just starting to come back competitively. I'll mention that the double Mega Evolution between Kangakshan and Mega Gengar is very solid since people will normally expect maybe Mega Kangaskhan, but Gengar mega evolves and traps Kangaskhans potential counters. The team has two rather solid cores the Double Genie combo in Thundurus/Landorus-T, Normal/Ghost offense in Kangaskhan/Gengar. My main concerns with this team is it has a poor matchup against Dark types (Hydreigon, Bisharp, Tyranitar), as well as rain teams.  I'm only going to go by each recommendations by each Pokemon and sum it up in the end.

1) Moderate Changes to Double "Genie" combo

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 SpA / 252 Speed
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Taunt
- 1) Hidden Power Ice / 2) Grass Knot  /  3) Focus Blast

Now I didn't make any changes to Thundurus aside from changing the item to Life Orb for more damage output as well as recommended moves for the fourth slot. I'd highly recommend that Thundurus has HP Ice so it isn't walled by opposing Landorus-T, or other Ground type Pokemon. If you don't have access to HP Ice Thundurus, then Grass Knot is an excellent alternative since Life Orb Thundurus can one shot Terrakion, one of Mega Kangaskhan biggest checks in VGC. This also give you sorta a surprise move against Water/Ground types like Swampert, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and other who think that can wall Thundurus (Note: Please don't use this on Rotom-W since Grass Knot is literally like 20 Base Power considering weight and all). You could keep Focus Blast just as a another surprise move to hit T-tar, Mega Kangm Heatran, Ferrothorn, etc but the shaky accuracy isn't appealing especially in double battles.  

Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 12 HP / 228 Atk / 44 Def / 4 SpD / 228 Spd
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Superpower
- U-turn / Stone Edge

-Survives Life Orbs Bisharp's Sucker Punch 3/8 of the time.
-Outspeeds Choice Scarf Smeargle (for Dark Void teams)

I guess this is you might consider this a complete makeover of Landorus-T, but honestly its just somewhat close to what the "standard" Choice Scarf Landorus-T. Superpower is opted to inflict "massive damage" against Hydreigon, Mega Kangaskhan, Terrakion, Ferrothorn, etc. Notice I mention massive since bar Terrakion most of these three will likely be able to survive since they typically have some defense investment. Here we have the standard "QuakeSlide" combo so I won't go over this aside that Choice Scarf can definitely help Landorus-T achieve some fast flinches thanks to Rock Slide. Now the last coverage move is totally up to you since both U-Turn and Stone Edge have their niches. U-turn allows Landorus-T to switch out of the battle in place of another Pokemon, perfect for scouting and shuffling Intimidate drops. Stone Edge is another coverage move if in case you are facing off against a Charizard or Thundurus and the opponent has a Wide Guard user like Aegislash/Hitmontop. Since Wide Guard blocks "spread damage" like Rock Slide, Hyper Voice, Heat Wave, and other similar attacks, Stone Edge can completely bypass this effect (Stone Edge is a single-target attack) and hit the opposing target (sometimes especially with that 80% accuracy).

2) Mega Gengar moveset

Gengar-Mega @ Gengarite
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Shadow Ball / Hex
- Sludge Bomb
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect

To be honest, the old Mega Gengar set isn't optimal for the current VGC meta. I changed Hex for Shadow Ball as Mega Gengar now has a consistently better option to hit many Pokemon for super effective damage. If you really want to maintain the Hex combo, I'd suggest that you add Will-O-Wisp on Gengar to burn physical attackers as well as "block" Sucker Punch users like Kangaskhan and Bisharp. Changed Focus Blast for Sludge Bomb since this team is a weak to Fairy types like Mega Gardevoir, Sylveon, Clefable, Togekiss, etc plus Gengar is now utilizing both its STAB options. Like I said before, Focus Blast doesn't have the best accuracy in the world, and so does Will-O-Wisp, however burning Physical targets will help you out in the long run. Another tip I'd like to mention is this Gengar set is flexible as both in its regular form just to help Mega Kangaskhan beat Fairy types and burn targets. Mega Kangaskhan and Gengar are probably one of the best pairs to bring since both can just deal massive damage immediately against the opponent considerin Normal/Ghost forms near perfect coverage. In case you feel like Mega Gengar is needed in battle, there's always that option of Mega evolving Gengar to improve your matchup.

3) Mega Kangaskhan's suggestions (plus somewhat shameless plug)

First off, the only change I'd make on Kangaskhan moveset is to change Ice Punch for Sucker Punch since your team has no form of priority move. If you want to see other Mega Kangaskhan sets, you can check out my thead just by searching it on the Pokemon Build sets. That

4) Replacing Rotom-W and Chandelure with the following: Gastrodon and Bisharp

There are several reasons why I'm suggesting you should probably replace Rotom-W and Chandelure with either these Pokemon.

4A) This team already has a poor matchup especially since Politoed and Ludicolo can just manhandle this team. Rotom-W is still a decent rain check but Ludicolo is going to give it issues by threatening it with Giga Drain. I think Gastrodon fits this team well since not only does it handle rain (maybe except Ludicolo but at least they can't freely spam water attacks), as it handles Double Genie, Terrakion, Heatran, Steel types, etc. Basically all Gastrodon has to do it sit there and redirect Water attacks away from your team. Sure it might be slow but it give your team a bunch of utility here's a set for Gastrodon.

Gastrodon @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Storm Drain
Level: 50
EVs: 148 HP / 164 Def / 100 SpA / 96 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
– Scald
– Earth Power
– Ice Beam
– Protect

4B) Now I notice this team doesn't have the best match-up against Psychic, Ice, or Dark types and Bisharp basically handles all of the above. By adding Bisharp to your team, it helps deter Intimidate/stat drop spam (Icy Wind/Snarl), otherwise Bisharp will receive a +1 or +2 boost. Bisharp works really well with Kangaskhan since opposing teams would like to spam as many Intimidates as possible to render her useless, however doing so would make Bisharp stronger. Bisharp helps against preventing Trick Room as it basically has a great matchup against most Trick Room setters like Cresselia, Aromatisse, Slowking, Dusclops, etc. Now as far as the item choice is concern, try out Focus Sash for Bisharp since its basically a glass cannon and it should be able to take one Heat Wave or Close Combat. If you want, try testing out the Life Orb on Bisharp and a different item choice for Thundurus. Here's the moveset, though I think its somewhat obvious

Bisharp @ Focus Sash
Ability: Defiant
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
– Sucker Punch
– Iron Head
– Knock Off
– Protect

So here's how the team will look like:|625|423 . If you any any questions, feel free to ask.
Alright so I've got the options now. I really like Bisharp too. If I need the Ice help should I just use Suicune? I've got Rotom to deal with Water types. Ok so I'm going to add Bisharp once I get done breeding one today. I really want to use an Eeveelution so I guess I'm going to get a BR Sylveon just to have it.

@naitre you say access to priority is always a plus. What moves am I missing. I know some Kangs have ran Sucker Punch in the past and I've had both good and bad luck with the move. I'm not too sure on what other priority moves these Pokemon have access to. All I have to go on is Smogon to get a base of what I want to run and make some minor tweaks if I feel they are needed. Talonflame is a priority user I have access to. I've only just started getting BR Pokemon together and have a full box of BR options to choose from. Would it be best to list all the Pokemon I have access to at the moment?
I was thinking the same thing about Suicune when I mentioned it lol. Ok I just wanted to clear my confusion on the priority. I figured you was talking about Bisharp just didn't know if there was something I was missing with my current team. I just got done looking up the info I need before I start breeding. For Sylveon I should use its hidden ability right? Now I just need to find a Sucker Punch Bisharp or Pawniard to start breeding. Thanks for the input I appreciate it.
To be honest, I was gonna do what Kiev did and just completely overhaul the team but it seemed like you weren't subject to making changes but he did make some good pointers that should be taken into consideration
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