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First shiny!
My first shiny was a Litleo that I hatched after only 3 eggs, breeding with a shiny ditto. A feat that I will never be able to accomplish again, I'm sure. I was only trying to fill my Dex.

Litleo used to be in my all-time LEAST favorite Pokemon, now I am growing fond of the little guy Smile And now, I almost never say no to an egg from the daycare lad. I almost said no to this one.
Congratulations on your first shiny! I've only found one and I forgot who it was!!!

My first shiny was a...... Wow, it's been so long I forgot. It looks something like a Whismur (It's not though) and a Larvitar. It was just a random encounter, I wasn't searching for it, I was just on my way to Lavaridge to go to the move re-learner and..... BAM!!! There it was. Even though I forgot who it was it was still the most exciting moment in my life. I caught it in Omega Ruby, my first 3DS pokemon game. (I chose the game cause Groudon is bae)
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
(Feb 27, 2016, 01:51 PM)Johnnyspyguy Wrote: Hey guys, today (on Pokemon's 20th anniversary, how coincidental) I got my first shiny! It's an Octillery! I got it by chain fishing with no shiny charm. I got it in 21 encounters! 21! I'm so happy right now! Feel free to say your first shiny encounter!

My first shiny ever was a Metapod in the original pokemon Silver. It was a wild Metapod so I had 15 seconds of cheering and shock, followed by my own disspointment at the uselessness of the pokemon itself. Sad Oh well. I've gotten more and i love em all. Congratulation, this is the first encounter of a great experience. Non gamers cant understand this, but we love it.
The funny thing is I caught two more shinies and I'm shiny hunting right now
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
My first shiny was a shiny ratatta in heartgold. Then i got a shiny honedge in X. (all random encounters). I usually use repels, so its kind of suprising I was able to find these.
My first shiny was a wurmple on Pokemon Ruby but me being young did not know what a shiny was so I killed it. The first shiny I caught though was a shiny horsea on Pokemon X. Blush
my first shiny was a wild encounter golbat it was fire red version of the game boy, i was shocked cause i thought it was a bug, so i run away from it because im scared if that will cause my game to crash,my first shiny in pokemon x was octillery via random fishing, and my first shiny in pokemon OR was wailmer,

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