So I'm breeding a lot, and manage to get 6IV stuff occasionally, or 5IV in the right spread. Nominally these are just WT fodder, but I figured I'd offer some of them here. If you're going for a 6IV I'd prefer it to be you get one, I'm happier to trade more than one 5 to people though.
So, current stuff I have 6IV is:
Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale x1 Shed Skin x1, Extreme Speed)
Beldum (Adamant, Clear Body, two)
Kangaskhan (Jolly, Scrappy, one)
Deino (Timid, Hustle, one)
Larvesta (Timid, Flame Body, one)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Dragon Dance, one)
Rotom (Timid x1, Calm x4)
Scyther (Impish, Technician, Defog, two)
Heracross (Adamant, Guts, Rock Blast EM, six)
Charmander (Adamant, Blaze, Belly Drum, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz EMs, seven)
Sableye (Bold, Prankster, Recover, two)
Swinub (Adamant, 2x Thick Fat, 4x Oblivious, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power, Icicle Crash)
Heracross (Adamant, Guts, Rock Blast EM, seven)
Gastly (Timid, one)
Pinsir (Jolly, Moxie, Quick Attack and Close Combat)
Timburr (Adamant, Guts, Wide Guard, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, four)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, one)
Mawile (Adamant, Hyper Cutter (2) Intimidate (1), Sucker Punch)
Charmander (Timid, Blaze, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, four)
Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale, Extreme Speed, two)
Beldum (Adamant, Clear Body, three)
Bagon (Adamant, Rock Head, Dragon Dance, two)
Goomy (Modest, Hydration/Sap Sipper, Iron Tail, Poison Tail, seven)
Gligar (Impish, Immunity, four)
Chansey (Bold, Natural Cure, Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy, four)
Aerodactyl (Jolly, Unnerve x3, Rock Head x1, Tailwind, Wide Guard)
Kangaskhan (Jolly, Scrappy, one)
Deino (Timid, Hustle, three)
Larvesta (Timis, Hustle, two)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Dragon Dance, two)
I'm usually working on breeding, so I'll be adding to this from time to time. I'll try to update this post accordingly. Also, I would be willing to EV train and level up the pokémon for you, I've got a lot of free time. And as this is a giveaway, I'll take any old rubbish you're offering.
So, current stuff I have 6IV is:
Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale x1 Shed Skin x1, Extreme Speed)
Beldum (Adamant, Clear Body, two)
Kangaskhan (Jolly, Scrappy, one)
Deino (Timid, Hustle, one)
Larvesta (Timid, Flame Body, one)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Dragon Dance, one)
Rotom (Timid x1, Calm x4)
Scyther (Impish, Technician, Defog, two)
Heracross (Adamant, Guts, Rock Blast EM, six)
Charmander (Adamant, Blaze, Belly Drum, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz EMs, seven)
Sableye (Bold, Prankster, Recover, two)
Swinub (Adamant, 2x Thick Fat, 4x Oblivious, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power, Icicle Crash)
Heracross (Adamant, Guts, Rock Blast EM, seven)
Gastly (Timid, one)
Pinsir (Jolly, Moxie, Quick Attack and Close Combat)
Timburr (Adamant, Guts, Wide Guard, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, four)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, one)
Mawile (Adamant, Hyper Cutter (2) Intimidate (1), Sucker Punch)
Charmander (Timid, Blaze, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, four)
Dratini (Adamant, Marvel Scale, Extreme Speed, two)
Beldum (Adamant, Clear Body, three)
Bagon (Adamant, Rock Head, Dragon Dance, two)
Goomy (Modest, Hydration/Sap Sipper, Iron Tail, Poison Tail, seven)
Gligar (Impish, Immunity, four)
Chansey (Bold, Natural Cure, Seismic Toss, Aromatherapy, four)
Aerodactyl (Jolly, Unnerve x3, Rock Head x1, Tailwind, Wide Guard)
Kangaskhan (Jolly, Scrappy, one)
Deino (Timid, Hustle, three)
Larvesta (Timis, Hustle, two)
Corphish (Jolly, Adaptability, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Dragon Dance, two)
I'm usually working on breeding, so I'll be adding to this from time to time. I'll try to update this post accordingly. Also, I would be willing to EV train and level up the pokémon for you, I've got a lot of free time. And as this is a giveaway, I'll take any old rubbish you're offering.