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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)
Pokemon Deposited: Makuhita
Level of deposited: 10
Gender of Deposited: M
Pokemon requested: Tapu Koko
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battle

Breeder Scott - Proud Member of the Amethyst 0mega Breeder's Guild

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(Mar 12, 2017, 12:56 PM)moo311 Wrote: @Khorpion I don't see it Sad
@Murkus Enjoy Smile
@NotsoEpicM You can't have 31/0/31/31/31/31 with HP ice, so I matched the IVs.
@wartty Enjoy Smile
@atonementblade Yes
@stevebs11 You can't have 6 IVs and HP ground, so I matched the IVs. Also, the yveltal can only be in a cherish ball.
@Bird's Demise Conkeldurr can't be Kurt ball hidden ability so I put it in a luxury ball. You also can't have a FRLG move tutor pokemon in a kurt ball or HA. So, I made it Keen Eye in a regular pokeball.
@Arylia Don't put up a pokemon in the gts until you see your name on the done list.
@Mertzstache Enjoy Smile
@Ren You can't get a shiny mew with pkhex.
@Jjrox14 I don't see it. When requesting for the ninetales, ask for a level 100 female ninetales. Also, if you did, don't put "Kanto ninetales" as the pokemon. Just ask for "Ninetales". Yes, ninetales is spelled as "Tales" not "Tails".
Okay then I will deposit a lvl 20 Magikarp for mew 
my ign is Hadiash

Message I want to fill my pokedex
(Mar 12, 2017, 12:56 PM)moo311 Wrote: @Arylia Don't put up a pokemon in the gts until you see your name on the done list.

Ok sorry, i overlooked that line you wrote down in your rules, simply because i thought that would not be a bad thing.
My Pichu is still in the GTS, so I hope that everything will work out :/ , if I request one more Mon i am going to follow that rule too ^^´´
IGN- David
Pkm Deposited: Minior
Gender of Deposited: N/A
Requested For- Volcarona, Male, Lv 91 or Higher
Message: I want to Full my Pokedex

Pokémon: Volcarona
Lv- 100
Gender- Male 
Nickname- Ifrit
Ability- Flame Body
Nature- Bold
Item- Charti Berry
IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs- 252HP/204Def/52SpA
Pokeball- Dusk Ball
Shiny- No
Moves- Heat Wave, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz

Pokemon: Volcarona
Lv- 100
Gender- Male
Nickname- Vesuvius
Ability- Flame Body
Nature- Calm
Item- Aguav Berry
IV's- 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ev's- 252HP/56SpA/180SpD
Pokeball- Dusk Ball
Shiny- No
Moves- Heat Wave, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz
Thank you so much for this!

Pokemon Deposited: Bounsweet
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Hoopa
Message: This is a pokemon just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
pokemon deposited: tirtouga
level: 1
gender: male
requested: conkeldurr
IGN: Karlos
message: i want to fill my pokedex
thanks Cool
This is my first request @moo311
Pokemon: Cobalion 
Gender: none 
Nickname: none
Ability: Justified 
Ives: 6 all 
Evs: any
Ball: Any
Shiny: Yes
Nature: Mild
Moves: Sacred sword, iron head and any other two moves.

My ING is Mink 
My FC is 2896 1555 4044
I don't mind Gts or Link trade whatever is easiest for you.
Thank you in advance.
Pokemon Deposited: Rockruff 
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of deposited: male
IGN: Adrian
Message: i want to fill my pokedex
Pokemon Requested:

Pokemon: Galvantula
Gender: Any
Nickname: No Nickname
Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature: Timid
Item:Life Orb
IVs: 6 All
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Poke ball: Luxury Ball
Shiny: Yes
-Sticky Web
-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
Helloo, IGN: Enzo, here!
-Request 1-
Pokemon: Banette
Level: 95
Gender: F
Nickname: Lola
Ability: Frisk 
Nature: Adamant
Item: Weakness Policy 
IVS: (6)
EVS: 228 HP / 252 ATK / 28 SPEED
Pokeball: Dusk Ball
Shiny: No
- Shadow Sneak
- Trick
- Skill Swap
- Mimic

-Request 2-
Pokemon: Snorlax
Level: 90
Gender: F
Nickname: Chipotle
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Careful 
Item: Rocky Helmet
IVS: (6)
EVS: 252 ATK / 252 SP.DEF / 4 HP
Pokeball: Heavy Ball 
Shiny: Y 
- Iron Head
- Recycle
- Zen Headbutt 
- Mimic
Pokemon: Quagsire 
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Nickname: -
Ability: Unaware
Nature: Bold
Item: Leftovers
IVS: As best as you can (I know it's hard to get perfect 6)
EVS: 252HP/252Def
Pokeball: DiveBall
Shiny: No
- Curse
- Recover
- Toxic
- Stockpile

Pokemon: Cradily
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Nickname: -
Ability: Storm Drain
Nature: Calm
Item: Leftovers
IVS: As best as you can as well Smile
EVS: 252HP/252SpDf
Pokeball: Pokeball
Shiny: No
- Barrier
- Curse
- Stealth Rock
- Recover

Can we link trade? I can GTS too if not, I just prefer link trade cuz it's faster  Smile

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