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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA
can i have an umbreon?
ign: Ash
pkmn: Donphan
gender: male
level: 100
message: Derp
Hey do you happen to have any suicune left? If so I'd be grateful to get one =)

Name: Lloyd
Pokemon Deposited: Swablu
Gender of Pokemon: Male
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Angel
IGN Marlon. Magikarp lvl 10 male. Looking for umbreon. Plzzzzzzz
LF: Scrafty
IGN: Patrick
Pokemon: Rotom
Gender: N/A
Level: 1
Message: Angel
Thanks in advance! This giveaway is great because you are always adding new pokes.
IGN Marlon. Glalie lvl 50 male. Weavile plzzzz
IGN Marlon. Sunkern lvl 38 female. Gliscor preferred male
I'm going to sleep now, so if you see the Status on ''OFFLINE'' then don't deposit a poke, only comment/post here the poke you would like to see tommorow or in the future. Goodnights.
I would be nice if i could have an Umbreon.

Name: Henry
Pokemon deposited: Mareep
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Message on GTS: Angel
can i get a shiny Scrafty pls ?

IGN: Kanidra
Pokemon: Bagon
Gender: male
lvl : 1
message on GTS; Angel
I would love to see a Shiny Shuckle with HA (Contrary) and Sassy nature, with a moveset consisting of Shell Smash, Power Split, Infestation and Rest

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