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[GIVEAWAY] Kanto Starters!(Closed)
Pokémon deposited: darmanitan
Gender: male
LVl: 36
I would like a bold bulbasaur please
(Feb 10, 2016, 02:05 PM)Asdfhjkl Wrote: I got sniped. I still want squirtle.
IGN: Serena
Pokemon deposited: Voltorb
Level: 13
Message: Charizard
If possible: can i also get a bulbasaur(bold)

I got sniped again
Same stuff except now im depositing a lv 1 wailmer

Edit: I got sniped yet again
This time I'm putting a skiddo level 18

Edit #2: I got sniped again
Now putting in Volbeat lv 13
Pokemon deposited: Shelgon
Pokemon wanted: Charmander
Deposited: Cottonee
Level 1
Japanese Nickname
IGN: Alex
Message: CharizardSoOP21
Super excited about this, thanks so much!
I would love Squirtle please!

Got sniped again and redeposited to this

Deposited: Geodude
Level 5
female with a Japanese name

IGN: Philly
Message: CharizardSoOP21
I got sniped. I'll try again. This time I'll add this.
Pokemon Deposited: Eevee
Pokemon Desired:Charmander
Message: Charizard
IGN: Spalding
(Feb 10, 2016, 08:39 PM)Spalding Wrote: I got sniped. I'll try again. This time I'll add this.
Pokemon Deposited: Eevee
Pokemon Desired:Charmander
Message: Charizard
IGN: Spalding

I got sniped again
Hey i would like a Charmander please!

Pokemon deposited: Rattata
Level: 24
Gender: Male
Message: Thanks!!
Ign: Evan

Sorry for the common pokemon, really trying not to get sniped. Thanks!
Modest Bulbasaur please!

Pokemon deposited: Wurple
Level: 5
Gender: Female
Message: Thanks!!
IGN: Drizzy
I got sniped. Added a Female, level 1 Trapinch with the same info as the last.

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