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[GIVEAWAY] Need Pokemon Eggs, Will trade Shinies/Powersave your Pokemon for them! :)
(Jan 15, 2015, 05:18 PM)TheGamingKiddo Wrote:
(Jan 15, 2015, 05:15 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I've got two eggs but I don't want anything just trying to help
ign todd russell

Thanks dude, I really appreciate that!

(Jan 15, 2015, 05:16 PM)justus4all Wrote: I can give you some eggs if you could get me a shiny 6iv adamant bisharp (or pawniard) with knock off and suckerpunch and a bold 6iv shiny skarmory with brave bird, stealth rock and whirlwind
Looking for anything in particular?

And that shouldn't be a problem providing I'm able to get them Pokemon on OR and they learn them through the move tutor, just give me a while Smile

(Jan 15, 2015, 05:16 PM)Julia234 Wrote: Hi I'm willing to trade 2-3 different eggs.

Pokemon I want modified: regular sceptile
Change ivs to 6IVs
change nature to timid

Tell me if you are willing to do this, as I have really wanted a 6iv shiny special for a while now Smile

And sure thing, I'll add you now if you'd like Smile
Thanks Smile my FC is 2750-1405-0618 IGN: Aurora
(Jan 15, 2015, 05:12 PM)nhass12 Wrote: I have a special few breed eggs with pokes with interesting moves and good IVs to trade to you Smile, whenever you are on I will trade you the clefable and mew to be modified I have you added.

Nature: Impish
EV - 252hp/ 104Def/ 152Spe
IV - 31everything

Nature: Calm
Ability - Magic guard
EV - 252hp/ 160spd/ 96def
IV - 31everything

hey man whats your IGN?
mine in jerome
hey man i would love to send you some eggs,
my friend code is 2895-9180-2168 and my IGN: Gustav1994

the pokemon i would like would be change my regular hustle nidoran male into a Shiny Male Nidoran with Hustle ability and 6 perfect IVs and an adamant nature!
also if you could change my regular Machop into a Shiny Machop with 6 perfect IVs and the No Guard ability!

Thanks a bunch in advance!! :D
Hey mate, i can gather a few different eggs for you!

If you would help me with the ivs on my thundurus in return that would be really nice!

I need it to be 31/0/30/31/31/31 with nature and moves left as it is Smile

I have prepared 4 eggs for you with stuff i would find rather funny to do a nuzlocke with Smile

Thanks in advance!

My IGN is Rin.

EDIT: Is it possible to clone pokemon using powersaves? Because if so, I would love a clone of the thundurus with timid as nature and the same ivs as the previously requested Smile

EDIT2: Going to bed now, assuming you did the same. Hope you'll see this tomorrow Smile
thank you
(Jan 15, 2015, 11:37 AM)nowere Wrote: i can help with 5 different pokemon


nature: calm



nature: jolly


thundurus is shiny

iv: 31/0/30/31/31/31 with hp ice plz

i will add u my IGN: nowere

btw they are my pokes so they need to be edit.

thank you Smile

i think u miss this Smile
Add me ign mata
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

Hey man I was just seeing if you got any of us from the earlier post? I wont be on for a while but if you can and have mine done can you hold them for me?
I've a few more eggs if you want them
How many do you need?

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