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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny BR Legendary Beasts Giveaway
can i have the third one too?

IGN : Flex
Deposited : Luvdisc
Level : 35
Gender : female
Message : champ

Requesting : Shiny entei
thank you very much!
Thanks for the Entei Smile

Deposited Luvdisc
IGN Drew
For: Suicune

Thought that Yukii was working with you, my bad dude Smile
Pokemon Wanted: Shiny suicune 
Deposited: Male Luvdisc
Level: 25
IGN: Taylor
Message: CHAMP
Thanks Again! +1
If you have time and if there's enough, I'd like to reserve a Raikou. My internet is down for a few hours. I'll post it as soon as possible. Thanks  Angel
(Mar 1, 2016, 12:57 PM)chrischamp08 Wrote: Page 5

@haelielou Went through all male level 15 Luvdisc, still couldn't find yours. Probably sniped, please deposit a new one and make sure level is set to 100

@br3ndy You're not the first one to double request, so it's fine for now, sent

@Flapster Sent, enjoy!

@TEEJAY18 Found it, sent! Thank you for the +1 rep Smile

@Felix2205 Sent and you're welcome!

@SilverAsh That was a fast double request lol Sent again

Sorry, my bad. I took it down to do another trade and totally forgot to repost.

Thank you, it's reposted!! :D Sorry again
Wanted: Suicune
Luvdisc Gender: Male
Luvdisc level: 25
Luvdisc Name: Some Korean name
MSG: Champ

Had to take it down for a minute. Reposted. Thanks!
My third request Smile
Ign: Chandra female lv1 for entei
Thank you very much for this great giveaway
my gts was acting weird but now my ludvisc is up!!  Thank you!
Thanks Mate :D
1+rep for you
last one!

IGN : Sato
Deposited : Luvdisc
Level : 15
Gender : female
Message : Champ

Looking for : Shiny Raikou

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