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[GIVEAWAY] Spring Break giveaway!
I need a mudkip and a torchic. Thank you for the give away, i added you!!

My Fc: 0533 8200 0940 name: panos
@shure @Johnnyspyguy @SilverAsh You have all been added! Request trade with me when you guys are ready!
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
Mudkip and eevee please c:
fc: 4613-9026-1639
@pokefan_omg1998 added!
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
Hey I want torched and sniff I'll give a lvl 1 phione  and a lvl 1 gible
so for those that have requested, right now I am unable to give them to you. totally forgot today's my bro's birthday and I've been setting up for a party for him and in like 10 mins or so I will be hosting it, so I cannot do the giveaway. Tomorrow I will be on all day, so don't hesitate to ask me to trade in game, but tonight I cannot. Sorry.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
Mudkip, Pichu
FC: 2080-0158-5990
IGN: Caden
hi, thanks for the giveaway
i would like Pichu and Torchic
ign: Caballero and my FC is on the left  Smile
I would like a Torchic and Snivy, thanks. 
FC: 2853 - 1341 - 5034
I'll be able to trade in like 8 hours cuz school and homework
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?

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