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[IMPORTANT] How to bring the hype? What do you want to see?
The title says it all. I want to ask you the members of Pokemon Forever: What do you want to see more here? What makes you come to this site? What is something you wish we did?

By we, I mean Naitre and I. We've done builds, replays, etc. But I wanna do more, you know? I love this community a lot. I've been in countless different pokemon communites from smogon, to NB, to nintendo groups; and this is the best one in my opinion. Everyone has a great attitude and works to help each other. You all come up with interesting builds, interesting tournaments, and just fun little forum games and I love that. Other places are super strict and they'll only note your build if it's "Super 100% viable" instead of "interesting, unique, and thinks outside of the box; catching people off guard" Other places will cut off member made tournaments and only make "official" ones. I like that we're all one big group, and I don't want anyone here to feel left out. I want this community to grow, you know?

That being said, back to my serious face. That's the nicest you'll ever see me. enjoy that. I am Ganondorf irl.

So I ask ALL members: What do you wanna see more of/What do you want to start seeing? No reply will be deemed wrong.

More build analysis? More Pokemon discussions? More guides? Maybe more team analysis?

Lemme know everyone! Much appreciated.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.
Hm... If I had to bring up one thing, that would be a LITTLE bit more TCGO. I think with TCGO we could do some sorts of trades on there, whether it'd be Packs, cards, heck even coins. Also, people could bring up their own good, fun, or unique Deck strategies to the table, allowing for people to make easier teams if they cant think of something with what they have. Well, that lil speech wasnt bad, right? Kappa
I'm just here.

(Jun 22, 2015, 11:31 PM)naitre Wrote: mfw

THIS wins, no matter what happens from now on.

Ps: i'm talking about the attached file of course :P
Not sure how it would work logistically, but I think a Pokémon Forever VGC League would be cool. Could do it ladder style and leave it up to the members to organize their own battles for ladder points. Then, if we could,  upload the battle videos to YouTube with some commentary over them. Would be fun to do I think and I'd be even willing to help officiate.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
To answer your questions @Rogue: i don't know.. i mean, i still don't know if this summer period will either bring more active members or not, so i would not force yourselves into a project which can possibly waste your time.

I'm talking as a member of the Competitive section of this forum when i say that i don't feel the need of anything in particular: we are organizing tournaments, there is hype for the US National meta and there will be much more to discuss about pre-World Championships metagame, but i can understand you want to do something also for that part of the community which is not interested in the competitive side of this game.. and i would be glad to help you if only i had any idea.

What makes you come to this site?: I'm fond of this community and i wish i could have been here since X Y period, where i suppose there were much more active and funny members i've never had the pleasure to meet. Well.. if there is something i would really like it could be Justin coming back strongly for the next Pokemon game to bring a new flow of members and activities for this amazing community.
I'm kind of drawing a blank when it comes to pokemon related stuff, when we try something new there isnt enough people here in the first place to give it enough support. We could do more streaming various game on the VGC2015Forum twitch channel (we need a new name for that twitch channel Kappa) I would love to Stream Explorers of Sky if my internet was better, maybe ill try it this week just to see if its better since i have a stronger connection than last time

(Jun 23, 2015, 12:54 AM)GMX Wrote: What makes you come to this site?: I'm fond of this community and i wish i could have been here since X Y period, where i suppose there were much more active and funny members i've never had the pleasure to meet. Well.. if there is something i would really like it could be Justin coming back strongly for the next Pokemon game to bring a new flow of members and activities for this amazing community.

Thats just a matter of time, i've been here for more than a year and it's been fun with all the streams i wish you all could expierence this, but we dont wanna force justin to stream or he wont enjoy himself, lets let him come back when he's ready :P
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
(Jun 23, 2015, 08:38 AM)naitre Wrote:
(Jun 23, 2015, 05:57 AM)Animekid7 Wrote: I'm kind of drawing a blank when it comes to pokemon related stuff, when we try something new there isnt enough people here in the first place to give it enough support. We could do more streaming various game on the VGC2015Forum twitch channel (we need a new name for that twitch channel Kappa) I would love to Stream Explorers of Sky if my internet was better, maybe ill try it this week just to see if its better since i have a stronger connection than last time

I think a strong community stream project would be a helpful supplement until Justin returns, though I imagine the number of people who can stream via 3DS is few and far between, since it requires a custom capture card. What kind of games would everyone be interested in seeing in lieu of Pokemon and other 3DS titles?
I have a PS4 and can stream titles like Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Dying Light and Mortal Kombat.

I also have some games that I can stream from my PC, but mostly shooters nobody plays anymore and League of Legends.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Pod and I set this up a while back to schedule when people were going to stream, im gonna ask pod to possibly change the name because VGC2015forum isnt a really good name if were going to stream a ton of different games, be hay its just an idea for now
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
(Jun 23, 2015, 10:13 AM)naitre Wrote:
(Jun 23, 2015, 10:08 AM)Animekid7 Wrote: Pod and I set this up a while back to schedule when people were going to stream, im gonna ask pod to possibly change the name because VGC2015forum isnt a really good name if were going to stream a ton of different games, be hay its just an idea for now

I think using this channel is the best idea since it's already established and has had at least a little exposure to forum members

You're probably right :P
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~

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