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Idea for Christmas
Was just thinking since christmas is coming up and kids will probably be getting Pokemon Sun/ Moon as Christmas gifts wouldn't it be a good idea for us who have the games already to breed some starters and send them free via the wonder trade. Maybe nickname them Happy Xmas or something on Christmas Day. It probably could end up brightening someone's day even more. Anyways would like to hear what others have to say on this idea.
The pokemon community (not just us) did something like this a couple christmas back, it was pretty cool, would love to do something similar this time
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
I wouldn't mind participatign in such a large scale giveaway. With how the gts bans are going right now however, this may be a problem.
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
We could also do it with the johto starters, or even bagons and jangom-o's
Don't forget the delilbirds!  :D
Perhaps gathering incredibly incredibly rare pokemon such as mareanie would be a seriously great gift as well.
George R.R Martin wrote 2016 :L

You don't look so well... how bout 50cc's of LINKS!?
We could also infect them with pokerus to help spread it to people who don't have it
I'd definitely be down to help breed for a giveaway like this!
This is a great idea!
I have many MANY MANY great eggs stuffs and I can always mass clone them ;O
If people don't mind about clone/hack Pokemon then I can put in my share Wink
Wow these are all good ideas has me feeling a bit hyped for this except the part about gts bans... What's exactly going on?

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