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So Im trying to build a team with Arcanine and Gyarados but cannot come up with anything good. I dont really know what im trying to do yet and I am open to any and all suggestions!

Thank you,
How do you want to use them? if you can't decide, suite them to your playstyle. i think of how Jon Hu builds his teams (the mega loppuny guy from nationals) which carry lot of bulk and hax factor e.g he had teeter dance, encore bulky loppuny, arcanine, togekiss etc. i think both these mons can fit well in a perish trap team, where they can intimidate, provide both W-o-W and snarl support + t-wave speed control. on the contrary to this arcanine can be a banded variant and gyarados can wreck with DD. amoongus might be able to from an F/W/G core around these two and provide coverage against trick room as well as redirection for set-up of DD.
The two team conclusions i can come up with are offensive builds around mega gyarados or even standard and perish trap.
If you want to use them as tanks, then I would suggest Porygon-Z as my personal favorite. It has a diverse move pool and a massive special attack. You can give it a Choice Scarf, and it will wreck a team!
(Aug 24, 2015, 10:30 PM)Pokeventurer Wrote: How do you want to use them? if you can't decide, suite them to your playstyle. i think of how Jon Hu builds his teams (the mega loppuny guy from nationals) which carry lot of bulk and hax factor e.g he had teeter dance, encore bulky loppuny, arcanine, togekiss etc. i think both these mons can fit well in a perish trap team, where they can intimidate, provide both W-o-W and snarl support + t-wave speed control. on the contrary to this arcanine can be a banded variant and gyarados can wreck with DD. amoongus might be able to from an F/W/G core around these two and provide coverage against trick room as well as redirection for set-up of DD.
The two team conclusions i can come up with are offensive builds around mega gyarados or even standard and perish trap.

I would like for both of them to be bulky pokemon and run a different mega (so not mega Gyarados) I like snarl Arcanine but dont really know if I want a DD gyarados?
What I have so far is a really cool Arcanine build I found

Arcanine @ Binding Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpD
Bold Nature
- Fire Spin
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
The binding band with a will-o-wisp or fire spin active works wonders and if you use protect between turns with both gyarados and arcanine its really adds up. Also the double intimidate really helps when coming up against those lando-t
and then my gyarados

Gyarados @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 244 HP / 40 Atk / 52 Def / 172 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall
- Icy Wind
- Protect
- Taunt
I use icy wind first almost always to speed control and then use him to support and stab waterfall anything that doesnt resist it.
Okay, lets go over a few things right now.

1. You will need a Rotom counter. Mega Sceptile is probably your best bet, especially if you switch it into a Thunderbolt and you get the +1 SpA boost from Lightningrod.

2. I didn't see if you wanted singles or doubles.

3. Bulky Arcanine is an absolute pain in the @$$ to take out. After a few Snarls, and Intimidate, and a Will-O-Whisp, Arcanine is extremely good. Just watch out for Milotic, and Wigglytuff, and Bisharp, and Defiant/Competitive in general.

4. If you are in singles, a DD Gyardos is pretty strong. You will need 2-3 DD to sweep, but you can easily sweep a team with DD Gyardos. If you are in doubles, you will want a bulkier Gyardos, but don't count DD out. You can have Thunder Wave, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, and Ice Fang. You will need to be bulky for Gyardos to pull off a doubles DD, or have a redirect Pokemon. Clefairy would work.

I can make a team for you that uses both those Pokemon, and then I will PM you. I should probably mention, it will be a doubles team.
(Aug 25, 2015, 08:35 AM)Lucario3D Wrote: What I have so far is a really cool Arcanine build I found

Arcanine @ Binding Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 132 Def / 128 SpD
Bold Nature
- Fire Spin
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
The binding band with a will-o-wisp or fire spin active works wonders and if you use protect between turns with both gyarados and arcanine its really adds up. Also the double intimidate really helps when coming up against those lando-t
and then my gyarados

Gyarados @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 244 HP / 40 Atk / 52 Def / 172 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall
- Icy Wind
- Protect
- Taunt
I use icy wind first almost always to speed control and then use him to support and stab waterfall anything that doesnt resist it.

Nice spreads you found there!
i am a bit confused over if this is doubles or singles. if doubles i can help, if singles then maybe not though. both these awesome utility sets in my opinion scream perish trap, though t is a difficult archetype to play. From worlds i have seen such a team, which has members to slow down opponents and then bash back with their own hard-hitters, or for instance the mega they have. PM me if you want a build for VGC around the idea, maybe we can solve this out Smile
Sorry guys yes this is a Doubles Team!
(Aug 25, 2015, 10:43 AM)Lucario3D Wrote: Sorry guys yes this is a Doubles Team!

can i get your playstyle? i may be willing to help teambuilding with you so just PM me if you need a hand with it
Why Fire Spin over something like Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower or even Heat Wave?
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