Nov 7, 2015, 07:53 PM
Okay, this is probably really obvious and stupid, but it has me stumped. I recently bred a competitive Japanese sand team, with the usual trio of Excadrill, Tyranitar, and Salamence. Anyway, I went with Assurance on Tyranitar, and as such i trained my EV's to ensure Mega Salamence would go before Tyranitar. As it stands, Mega Salamence has 185 speed at level 50, and Tyranitar has 122 speed at 50 plus choice scarf, meaning after the 50% increase Tyranitar's speed should be 183. Thus, Mega Salamence should always go first, right? However, after testing over 30 battles in Battle Maison, it is clear that they are somehow tying, as they seem to take turns going first. This obviously drastically reduces the usefulness of Assurance. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.