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[ORAS] Unfinished ORAS chat (no story spoilers guys not even inside spoiler tags)
Since most of EU only just got ORAS i've made this thread to allow us lot to talk about the game without the risk of spoilers to the story or plot points for delta saga we can discuss feature, squads etc (but not the squads of npc's in the game).

I just made this so those without the game can still use the other thread without risk of any spoilers still :D

[Image: tumblr_n0uphbmpCV1trkykvo5_500.gif]
time to explore Smile

Edit anyway guys what squads are you running atm my current team is Mightyena (fire fang so nice :D), marshstomp, ralts and tailow thinking of adding electryke since i'm in slateport now Smile
My team at the moment is (just got my third badge)

And Zigzagoon

Im actually catching every pokemon i can at the moment to have my dex filled asap :D
@Eeveeli same completed every region i can up to this point area nav is so nice for this just makes me realize how few pokemon i actually love in gen 3 XD
I've only just started playing properly because I was eating some food, so as of now my team is treeko and beldum, but he'll probably be going in the box because he's to stronk. I have caught other pokes like poochyena zigzagoon and so on, but I'm not adding them to my team
Yea my Beldum is also boxed because of the same reason. I want at least some challenge with the game haha

Also im currently breeding dream ball feebasses in XY to use in the contest later since its so much easier to let them evolve into Milotic now :D
Ugh catching feebas in the original games was such a pain, and not only that, but I never really did the contests, so I wouldn't have evolved it if I did get one. But I'll probably participate in the contests this time
wait how did you get beldum XD
Mystery gift :D
aha shame it still won't be as op as the one in my pokebank 6iv metang bred to be an agility sweeper with the mega :D


ohh btw i found alakazite

slateport market
His mega is so op haha

Yes i already found that one too! I wonder when i can finally get the option to mega evolve pokemons kappa

Also are you guys using the exp share or not?

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