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[ORAS] Unfinished ORAS chat (no story spoilers guys not even inside spoiler tags)
on my way to mossdeep now (6 badges).

My Team: Swampert (50, mega), Mightyena(50), Gardevoir(47), Aggron (43, mega), Swellow(49) and Linoone (44, Hmslave)
Damn how did you all pass me so fast xD
I just finished the 6th GYM.

My team:
Sawmpert (42, mega)
Vibrava (40)
Breloom (41)
Swellow (40)
Metang (40)
guys i'm currently having a panic can i ko kyore and have him reset .... i've run into him with only 40 pokeballs....
Well I accidentally ran from him, but he was still there, so I think you either have to catch it or beat it.
just found out after 30 mins frantically searching the internet u can KO the legendaries and soft reset later after beating the elite 4 also this means you could get the shiny charm before attempting it :D
Apart from shiny RayQ, I'm not to bothered about the other shiny legends
same but i want the stats for a blue pent legendaries in pokeballs
I tried catching kyogre in a pokeball, but then I gave up because he kept getting out without shaking haha so I settled for an ultra ball
the secret is to bring like 1k of them eckley :D

I can already see myself going for several of the shiny legendaries XD

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