Mewtwo (N/A) | Gender - N/A
Ability - ANY | Nature - Jolly | IV-spread - LEAVE AS IS| Moveset - Drain Punch, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Thunder Punch
Original Trainer - leave as is| Trainer ID - Leave as is| Type of Pokéball - Leave as is
Shiny - No | Level - 100 | Generation Mark (e.g. Pentagon) - Leave as is | Language - US
Manectric (Manectric) | Female
Lightning Rod | Timid | 31/31/31/31/30 | Volt Switch, Thunder, Overheat, Protect
OT: leave as it is | ID: leave as it is | Dream Ball
Yes, Shiny | 60 | Pentagon | US
Pokemon: Ralts
nickname: no nickname
level: 1
gender: male
ability: synchronize
shiny: yes
ivs: all 31
evs: 236 hp, 252 atk, 20 sdef
nature: adamant
pokeball: pokeball
country: US
trainer: Jarry
Pentagon: Yes
Moveset: just the normal one like in the games (like growl would be just fine)