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Redeem your pokemon
do you mean wrong Giveaway?
i came from the Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]  and that tread is closed, just as the second one. that one send me to here.
not quite sure i follow.
@EndlessMc I started a mass genning thread and prioritized that one. Redeeming for the other one will start once I finish genning the pokemon.
@element_x49 Can you trade the same time today (Thursday Dec 28)?
@moo311 im online and rdy to trade whenever ur rdy this is my fc if u havent added me yet i alrdy added u FC:4098-8329-2875 name: lol
@silverslash I added both of your FCs (the one under your profile pic and the one you provided in the post), but with the one under your profile pic, it hasn't added me back and the FC you provided is not valid
mmm invalid i added u here with no problem tried with my other ds and it added him too try again maybe 4098-8329-2975
if it doesnt work there isnt another way to do the trade?
i added u again just in case
@silverslash The one you provided just worked
@moo311 im glad sent u a trade request ^^
@silverslash What's your IGN?
@moo311 aurora
@moo311 I am ready whenever you are. Thanks!

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