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Spooky Cup Time Zone/Availability Thread
Me and my tournament co-managers have been discussing this and thought this would be the best way to do this. The tournament I am referring to is the forum Spooky Cup. If you want to sign up you have until tomorrow to do so and battles begin Friday. This thread is for participants to post what times they are available to battle (the more specific you can be the better) and what time zone you are in. Battles with people in different time zones and not being able to get it in are some of the worst parts of these forum tournaments, and this is here to try and save me and my co-managers a few headaches.

It is still you're responsibility to schedule and complete your battles, that is why we are making this thread. When you find out who you are battling you can refer to this thread to try and fit it in for a time that is convenient for both of you. If there is absolutely no possible way for you and your opponent to battle then PM me, Naitre, Squeab, Unit, or Animekid. Please PM your opponent and attempt to work things out before assuming that they will not be available based on this thread. It is here to give you a general idea of when someone should be available. Please don't assume that since the time you are available doesn't match your opponents time from this thread means you need a reschedule.

Website for convenience: Time zone converter
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye

Messages In This Thread
Spooky Cup Time Zone/Availability Thread - by MARSxVenom - Oct 21, 2015, 06:01 PM

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