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[TRADE] LF:Shiny pokemon
LF:shiny pokemon/shiny legend/shiny events/events

FT:Shiny event AUT2010 mew(×3)/shiny event SUM2013 dialga(×5) /legit Volcanion(×3)/shiny event SUM2013 giratina(×3)/serenna pancham/shiny event dog trio/hoopa/event SPR2013 meloetta/diancie/shiny event shaymin
@ icgo I'm interested in Shiny Event SUM2013 Dialga and maybe Serena's Pancham ^^

I could offer this
Pokémon Center Kyoto Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny Yveltal Event (SPA/JPN/ENG)
Shiny Lugia (Non-Pentangon)
Shiny Moltres (Non-Pentagon)
Tanabata 2014 Shiny Jirachi
Team Plasma Genesect (Moveset changed)
Shiny Diancie
Shiny Blastoise
Shiny Magmar
Shiny Gyarados
Shiny Tyranitar
Shiny Milotic
Toys R' Us Pikachu Event
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~
(Jun 24, 2016, 06:59 PM)ChrissSixx Wrote: i would like the shiny ho-oh
​​​and ​​shiny lugia if you want the pancham
I want a Volcanion! I can offer these shinies: 
Delphox, Basculin, Remoraid, Corphish, Samurott, Skarmory.
Hopefully you like one of those!
I'm interested in the shiny Giratina, shiny Dialga and the shiny Shaymin, in that order. Here are my shinies and legendaries: shiny Spinda, shiny Swablu, shiny Diggersby, shiny Furfrou, shiny Yanmega, Zygarde, event Manaphy and event Victini (x2).

Also, @ChrissSixx, I'm interested in the shiny Moltres, so please tell me if you're interested in trading for on of my Pokemon above.
@icgo Sounds good, I'll trade you Ho-Oh and Lugia for Dialga and Pancham ^^ I already added you.

@ForestEmerald I'll trade you Moltres for Persian ^^
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~
Cool, I'll get on now.
@ForestEmerald Thank you! ^^
~ Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile ~
@ChrissSixx Thanks! By the way, am I the only one who thinks that the shiny version of Moltres looks like a flaming chicken?
Hey just wondering... What shinies do you still have???  Cause I got quite a bit of shinies...

do do you still have the shiny garitina or dials?. And if not what others do you have

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