Feb 4, 2015, 05:52 PM
We'll I've got Zubat, Bagon, Marril, Mienfoo, Skarmory, Trapinch, Feebas, Togepi, Larvatar, Ghastly, Cottonee, Growlithe, Sneasel, Swinub, Kangaskhan, Duskull, Hawlucha, Gible, Rotom, Sandile, Ferroseed, Machop, Ralts, Porygon, Honedge, Poliwag, Carvanha, Riolu, Eevee, Tepig, Absol, Gligar, Skrelp, Snivy, and Purrlion, some have HA and some have EMs, just ask and I'll give you their details, they're all between 5-6IV