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[VGC] Opinions using Charizard Y in VGC/Doubles
(Aug 31, 2015, 01:50 PM)Chimchared7 Wrote: great right up kiev :D but you wasted 4 evs in spatk you do 8 it will only use up 4 evs gj :D

Actually since Charizard Y has HP Ground as mentioned by GMX, having 4 SpA evs won't change its stat from 196 to 198 anymore due to the IV stat being 1 point lower so I have to use an additional 4 Evs just to get that 2 point bump. This would only be the case if I'm using a level 100 Charizard Y but all the levels on battle spot and flat battle get rounded down to 50 points.

(Aug 31, 2015, 02:09 PM)Justin Wrote: What did yo uend up using? if you guys saw kev's tweet he's like 21-4 on battle spot!

I use a combination of Pokemon from Angel Miranda's and Alberto Lara's team which ended up looking like this.

The first team was basically made up of Char Y, Sylveon, Ferrothorn, Jellicent, Tyranitar, and Landorus-T and did moderately well mainly because no one expected LO Earth Power from Landorus-T. Ferrothorn and Jellicent is an amazing wall core combination since both of them can wall out threats to Charizard Y and cover each other's main weaknesses really well. Scarf Tyranitar while not the best item choice for it anymore, it can still apply a ton of pressure with fast Rock Slides and solidifies my rain matchup. Jellicent was using both Toxic and Will-O-Wisp on the same set while Ferrothorn had Leftovers Leech Seed so I guess it makes for a stall endgame. Calm Mind Sylveon was the only thing I kept from the team mainly because after a Calm Mind boost, Sylveon has a pseudo-boosted Choice Specs and Assault Vest after ever use. If my opponent mainly has special attackers left and Sylveon is relatively health with CM boosts, it can sweep the rest of the opponents team with Hyper Voice and HP Ground.

Then after awhile I got bored of using the near exact Pokemon from Angel's National team and started switching it up with TR Cresselia replacing Jellicent to support Sylveon + Ferrothorn better, switching special Landorus-T with a Scarf Landorus-T with a physical set, and adding LO Grass Knot, HP Ground, and Ice Beam Greninja for the second Charizard Y Team. The team did moderately well but I kinda want Greninja to have Low Kick only because of this:

252 Atk Life Orb Protean Greninja Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 179-213 (98.8 - 117.6%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

While Kangaskhan is a huge issue to the team, I think an immediate response is in order. HP Ground + Ice Beam actually forms a perfect attacking coverage and allows Greninja to hit everything in the game neutrally at least bar Surskit and Shedinja. Grass Knot with Helping Hand from Cresselia and Sylveon (replaced for HP ground) allows it to pick up KOs against Suicunes and Milotic

252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Helping Hand Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 52 SpD Suicune: 242-289 (116.9 - 139.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Helping Hand Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 237-281 (117.3 - 139.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Greninja easily threatens so many Pokemon just because of its sheer unpredictability, heck I usually get 1 faint with Greninja per match anyways. I mentioned its a great Partner for Charizard Y mainly because it revenge kills majority of the threats to Charizard Y bar Scarf Landorus-t (but any variant faints to Ice Beam), Mega Manetric, Kang, and some Trick Room Pokemon.

Currently I'm testing some other stuff with Charizard Y though so far it hasn't been too great especially going 6-5 today losing to some weird sets (lower ladder stuff), 1 HP survivals, flinches (especially on awful double flinch which changed an already sealed up game), parahax, missing Rock Slide/Leech Seed/Power Whip/etc on critical turns, and other random stuff. In most of my losses I'll admit Charizard Y is the least valuable member of the team mainly because my opponents can easily just pressure it if they either lead correctly or have great responses to it. Thought about having Wide Guard Aegislash in place of Ferrothorn but I know my opponents are smart enough not to go for Rock Slide against a Charizard Y and it rarely helps seal matches. Gonna see what else works with Charizard Y once maintenance is done.

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RE: Opinions using Charizard Y in VGC/Doubles - by Black117 - Aug 31, 2015, 06:55 PM

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