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[VGC] Pokemon Sun & Moon Speed Tier List
Here is a VGC17 speed tier list of all Pokemon at or above 100 base speed, and a list of Pokemon at or below 40 base speed. For a more in depth guide here is a visual chart, and here is a spreadsheet.

100+ Base Speed

151    Pheromosa
130    Jolteon
130    Aerodactyl
130    Crobat
130    Tapu Koko
126    Talonflame
125    Weavile
124    Ribombee
120    Alakazam
120    Minior (<50%)
117    Salazzle
116    Whimsicott
115    Persian (Alolan)
115    Starmie
112    Lycanroc (Mid-day)
110    Raichu (Alolan)
110    Dugtrio (Alolan)
110    Gengar
110    Tauros
110    Espeon
110    Froslass
110    Archeops
109    Ninetales (Alolan)
109    Kartana 
103    Emolga
103    Nihilego
102    Garchomp
100    Fearow
100    Tentacruel
100    Miltank
100    Flygon
100    Salamence
100    Comfey

40 or Lower Base Speed

40    Ariados
40    Probopass
40    Golisopod
40    Dhelmise
39    Gastrodon
36    Turtonator
36    Drampa
35    Corsola
35    Toxapex
35    Mudsdale
35    Palossand
35    Clefairy
32    Carracosta
30    Parascect
30    Slowbro
30    Snorlax
30    Sudowoodo
30    Slowking
30    Bastiodon
30    Wishiwashi (school form)
30    Shiinotic
25    Gigalith
20    Torkoal
5    Pyukumuku
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@Justin very cool! I would consider adding 110+ since it's avery important speed tier, but it's still quite useful.

EDIT: nevermind, just saw the numbers besides the names lol
good lord this is terrifying to look at lol
It makes me really sad that Wishiwashi has really low base speed, in school form, it would be a really strong sweeper if it wasn't for its low HP and speed...
(Nov 22, 2016, 11:43 PM)itwasikiriya Wrote: It makes me really sad that Wishiwashi has really low base speed, in school form, it would be a really strong sweeper if it wasn't for its low HP and speed...

Well, you can still do some damage with Trick Room.

I guess that Trick Room is goin to be used a lot this gen, and Pheromosa goin to be banned for sure.
@difev I don't see why it would be banned as it has really poor defences and can be dealt with through priority. Just run something like Gale Wings Brave Bird on Talonflame,
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
@itwasikiriya To be honest, Wishiwashi isn't meant to be a sweeper, it functions more as a wallbreaker. With something as basic as a Choice Specs or even a Splash Plate, Wishiwashi basically won't have a switch in unless its something super tanky like Mega-Venusaur or Chansey
Man a lot of this mons will go down the tiers when Pokébank goes live... The speed is too slow...
(Nov 23, 2016, 05:29 AM)Excalibur0126 Wrote: @difev I don't see why it would be banned as it has really poor defences and can be dealt with through priority. Just run something like Gale Wings Brave Bird on Talonflame,

@Excalibur0126 with some ways to cancel priority you can easily pass trough it, Talonflame is kind of bad with the gale wings nerf, you just change her or protect if doubles and put a priority damper on field, its gg
(Nov 23, 2016, 11:32 AM)Charlesd11 Wrote: Man a lot of this mons will go down the tiers when Pokébank goes live... The speed is too slow...

Yeah at first I thought there were all mons, but this list is specific to vgc17. I'll make another post soon.
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