![[Image: gotta_draw__em_all_collab___porygon2_by_...822rea.png]](http://orig07.deviantart.net/4470/f/2014/281/c/7/gotta_draw__em_all_collab___porygon2_by_krisantyne-d822rea.png)
Art by Krisantyne
"Meet the new and improved ... AnimeKid2!"
![[Image: porygon2.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/shiny/porygon2.gif)
(VGC) Porygon2 - Utility (Trick Room Setter/Pivot) 2 Options
![[Image: porygon2.gif]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy/shiny/porygon2.gif)
(VGC) Porygon2 - Utility (Trick Room Setter/Pivot) 2 Options
Type: Normal
Base Stats: 85 HP / 80 Attack / 90 Defense / 105 Special Attack / 95 Special Defense / 60 Speed
Weaknesses: Fighting (x2)
Resistances: None
Immunities: Ghost (x0)
Trace: - Changes the user's main ability (Trace) into the Ability of the opponent. In Doubles, Triples, and Horde battles, Trace randomly copies the ability of one of the opposing adjacent Pokemon's ability to its use. Here are the following abilities Trace cannot copy and won't activate: Multitype, Illusion, Flower Gift, Imposter, or Stance Change. If the of of the opposing Pokemon has either of these abilities in a Double Battle, Trace will automatically copy the other opponent's ability. If this isn't the case, the Trace user will have to wait to for another Pokemon to activate the ability which isn't any of the five mentioned here.
Download: - Raises the attack or special attack by one stage of the user depending on the lowest defensive stats (defense or special defense) as it switches into the battle. Download will raise the user's attack if the opponent's defense stats is lower than special defense, or increase special attack if special defense is either lower or equal to its defense. For Double/Triple Battles, Download compares opposing Pokemons' sum of all their defense and special defense separately and follows the same formula mentioned above.
Analytic: - Boosts the power of moves by 30% when the user goes last after the opposing target went first.
In a metagame where Pocket Monsters can easily OHKO one another with either just two-pronged attacks from a mutant kangaroo and a baby Joey (or whatever you call that thing), screeching Fairies, Kamikaze birds/dragons/kangaroos, treacherous genies, cursed swords, lava turtles, flying lizards causing droughts, or anything else will result to Trainers searching for solutions to stop the onslaught. Today we turn to one Pokemon with a stone filled with the latest technological enhancements can suppress the incoming carnage. Its its up to this one Pokemon...or should we say duck: Porygon2!
Ok overly exaggerated points about Pokemon aside, Porygon2 has seen a rise in usage following the start and the current post VGC 2015 Worlds metagame partly because its ability to check some of the most common and high tiered Pokemon thanks to its Eviolite item. Introduced in Gen 5, Eviolite has turn some Not-Fully-Evolved Pokemon like Chansey and Porygon2 into incredibly bulky Pokemon by receiving a 50% boost in both defensive stats. Given how Porygon2 already has a fairly solid 85 HP / 90 Def / 90 Sp. Def defensive stats, the Evolite item turns Porygon2's overall defenses to a whopping 85 HP / 145 Def / 152 Sp. Def given after adjusting the stat totals in a damage calculator. One of Porygon2's greatest strength is having a rather flexible EV spread similar to Cresselia given how it has three somewhat viable abilities in Trace/Download/Analytic to chose from. Unlike most Trick Room setters, Porygon2 has the distinct advantage of being immune to Aegislash's Shadow Ball and tanks Flash Cannons. Other Dark types are won't be able to knock out Porygon2 without having to double target onto the slot as well.
While Porygon2 is able to setup Trick Room and function as an effective pivot, its will quickly find itself worn down after taking repeated hits from possible double targets. This is practically due to Porygon2's lack of resistances bar its sole immunity to Ghost, which no one is going to attack the duck with a Ghost type move anyways unless its switch into one. One thing to note about Porygon2 is that its not a one size fits all Pokemon, rather a strong pivot for a switch ins and/or a viable Trick Room setter who can beat Aegislash 1v1.
Ability Discussion: Trace, Download, or Analytic
Given how Porygon2 has three potentially viable abilities which can drastically change role for its team, we'll go over the abilities based on a competitive standpoint starting by order introduced. Another reason for having this additional section is all of these abilities aren't say "reliable" anyways given how each requires a condition for it to be useful like having to get a random ability from either target, whether Porygon2 gets its +1 in special attack boost, or can go last after its target has gone before.
Trick Room Setter
![[Image: porygon2.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/porygon2.png)
Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 180 Def / 8 SpA / 76 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 1 Spe
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Ground] / Thunderbolt / Tri Attack
- Recover / Protect
- Trick Room
-Double Edge from max attack Jolly Mega Salamence is a 3HKO.
-Gets 3HKOed by Choice Specs 252 SpA Modest Sylveon's Hyper Voice (spread damage).
-Jolly max attack Mega Kangaskhan has a 5.6% to 2HKO.
-Can KO 4 HP Naive Mega Salamence and standard Landorus-T with Ice Beam
-Can 2HKO 104 HP Heatran with just Hidden Power Ground.
-Dumped Special Defense
Notice: If the IVs aren't "suitable" (for HP Ground), just run an EV spread as shown with the lowest possible speed IV stat for Trick Room. The EV spread will have one extra point for special defense, though the same 4 leftover EVs if either speed or attack is 0 IV.
One of the main advantages Eviolite Porygon2 has over most other Trick Room setters like Mega Gardevoir, Cresselia, Dusclops, Whimsicott, Cofagrigus, Gothitelle, Jellicent, and Aromatisse is the lack of Ghost, Dark, or Steel weakness. Given that all these three attack respectively do neutral damage against Porygon2, the only way in which the opponent can stop the incoming Trick Room is by double targeting, or using either Taunt, Spore, or a phazing move. This is the main goal for Porygon2 by setuping up multiple Trick Rooms throughout the battle in order to maintain speed control for its slower team. Ice Beam is a must on nearly ever Porygon2 sets as it allows it to handle Dragon, Grass, Ground, and Flying types such as the common Landorus-T, Mega Salamence, Thundurus, Zapdos, etc. Hidden Power Ground is a tech move for Porygon2 to hopefully 2HKO most non Shuca Berry Heatrans as well as catch Aegislash off by surprise in Blade form. Porygon2 is a great lure options against these two Pokemon thinking they're safe against a Porygon2 with just Ice and Electric/Normal coverage. If you can get access to an HP Ground Porygon2, Thunderbolt is an alternative in case Water and Flying types become problematic. Tri Attack is Porygon2's STAB best attack with the chance of either causing either a burn, paralysis, or freeze. Recover allows Porygon2 to regain about 50% of its health to maintain its usefulness as a bulky Trick Room setter. Protect is an alternative for Recover while losing a replenishing option, Porygon2 can shield itself against double targeting.
Damage Calculations
Offensive - Most of the damage calculations will focus on Ice Beam and Hidden Power Ground. This is also with having any sorta stat boost on Porygon2
Defensive - With 244 HP / 180 Def / 72 SpD Relaxed Nature Evolite and 30 IVs in Special Defense
Pivot Special Attacker
![[Image: porygon2.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/porygon2.png)
Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 132 Def / 120 SpA / 8 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 SpD
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Ground] / Thunderbolt / Tri Attack
- Recover
- Toxic / Thunder Wave / Foul Play
Notice: Porygon2 must have 30 IVs in both special attack and special defense in order to have Hidden Power Ground. An optimal EV spread can be the following: EVs: 244 HP / 132 Def / 116 SpA / 12 SpD / 4 Spe.
- OHKOS most Non-Assault Vest/Yache Berry Landorus-T, and Mega Salamence variants.
-Jolly Mega Kangaskhan's Return with max attack has a minuscule 0.1% to 2HKO Porygon2.
-With Download boost, can OHKO 4 HP Heatran, and deals heavy damage to Aegislash in Blade form.
-Choice Specs Sylveon with Modest max special attack is still a 3HKO.
What makes Porygon2 a viable option over an established Pokemon like Cresselia is its able to confront Pokemon like Aegislash or Heatran better with its higher special attack and potential Download boost. As mentioned in the Download section, the key is to find an opportunity to get a +1 in special attack so Porygon2 can actually start dealing significant damage to its opponents with the coverage options available. Ice Beam is a standard on most Porygon2 sets as it able to OHKO most variants of Landorus-T, Mega Salamence, and Garchomp while KOing most "bulkier" variants after a Download boost. HP Ground is much more stronger in a Download build than from Trace (unless Porygon2 gets Parental Bond) given it has the chance to OHKO 4 HP Heatran and severely damage Aegislash in blade form by doing around 87%. This is all assuming that Porygon2 is able to get the Download boost in special attack, otherwise it as to result to being a subpar special attacker. Toxic is one way to let Porygon2 break most bulkier sets like Suicune, Milotic, Cresselia, Sylveon, etc by wearing them down turn by turn. With Recover at hand, the virtual Pokemon can effectively stall its opponents enough so that Porygon2's allies can potentially net the knock outs.
Here are a couple of options for Porygon2 con run as well. Thunder Wave is a great form of speed control by quartering the opposing Pokemon's speed stat with the added 25% chance of paralyzing the opponent's Pokemon. Foul Play is another option to have on Porygon2 as it can straight up OHKO Blade form Aegislash by using is own high attack. This practically ensure that any attack setup will get punished by just using Foul Play. Thunderbolt forms a strong "bolt-beam" coverage with Ice Beam in case HP Ground isn't an option for Porygon2 as well as damage most Water and Flying type Pokemon. Tri Attack is Porygon2's strongest STAB option as it can deal the most damage against neutral opponents with the added chance of either burning, paralyzing, or freezing a target.
Damage Calculations
Offensive - All the damage calculations were done with 120 SpA with a Modest. Download boost will be included on some of the sections.
Defensive - With 244 HP / 132 Def / 8 SpD Modest Nature (Neutral) and 30 IVs in Special Defense
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to;
- Offensively-Capable Pokemon: Since Porygon2's role is to tank hits for its allies, the teammates have to be comprised of offensively capable Pokemon able to wallbreak opposing teams. Most of the major Mega Evolutions (Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Salamence, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Gardevoir) in VGC and Battle Spot Doubles appreciate Porygon2's role as a bulky pivot switching into a would be super effective targets. Strong Trick Room Pokemon like Mega Mawile, Heatran, Rhyperior, Mega Camerupt, Mega Abomasnow, Sylveon, Escavalier, Conkeldurr, Gastrodon, Scrafty, Tyranitar, etc help initiate the offense while Porygon2 can hit key targets like the Double Genies, Aegislash, or Heatran.
- Intimidate + Other Support: Pokemon who can supply Porygon2 by spreading Intimidate, spreading Will-O-Wisp burns, screen support, Snarl users, and even Helping Hand are vital partners. Mega Mawile in its pre-Mega form can use its Intimidate ability to reduce the the damage of the physical attacker by 1 stage enough so that Porygon2 can easily wall them. Other Intimidate users like Landorus-T, Gyarados, Acranine, Salamence, Scrafty, etc can all provide similar roles for Porygon2 to do its job as a defensive pivot better. Will-O-Wisp, Scald users, and virtually anything else that can burn targets like Rotom-W, Suicune, Entei, Milotic, Arcanine, etc can provide Porygon2 enough support to stop most physical attackers. Snarl users like Raikou, Acranine, Scrafty, Entei, and Suicune can lower the damage output of special attackers so Porygon2 can deal with them easier.
- Fighting Resistances: Porygon2 doesn't enjoy confronting Fighting type Pokemon who are surely able to leave a huge dent to it HP bar so Pokemon with Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic or Ghost typing can surely help. Fairy types like Mega Gardevoir and Sylveon can protect Porygon2 from deadly Fighting moves while hitting with Pixilate Hyper Voice. Talonflame and Mega Salamence can provide can threaten most Fighting types with their STAB options while Porygon2 can absorb most Ice, Rock, Electric, and Dragon hits in return. Volcarona and Amoonguss can deal with fighting types by either setting up/spreading Spore or redirect targets with Rage Powder. Other Pokemon like Mega Metagross, Aegislash, Lati@s, etc hit most Fighting Pokemon for super effective damage while Porygon2 can sponge some super effective targets or even Ghost hits as it switches in.
- Knock Off: Pretty simple method to reduce Porygon2's usefulness is to remove its Evolite item with the move Knock Off. Pokemon like Scrafty, Scizor, Conkeldurr, Bisharp, Machamp Blaziken, Hariyama, etc come to mind as most have access to both Knock Off and a Fighting STAB to KO Porygon2 easily. Just revoming Porygon2's Evolite item is enough as it loses out on the 50% boost in its defenses and becomes easily open to any strong neutral attacks that follow suit.
- Fighting Types and Coverage: Most Fighting type Pokemon are able to deal with Porygon2 quite effectively given they are the only ones who can hit it for super effective damage. Some of them even carry Knock Off so they can remove Porygon's Evolite item easily and KO the following turn. Pokemon with Fighting coverage like Mega Kangaskhan, Tyranitar, Greninja, Landorus-T, Aegislash, etc can hit Porygon2 hard but it will likely live the attack but severely damage at worse.
- Double Targeting: Porygon2 might be able to take a single target attack most of the time, it will find itself wear down if the opponent aggressively double targets. Most of the time Porygon2 elect not to carry Protect leaving it open to double target attacks. The best example of this is Mega Kangaskhan or Sylveon attack at once, Tyranitar and Excadrill going for Rock Slide/Superpower, Politoed and Ludicolo going for rain boosted Scalds, Landorus-T and Thundurus attacking with their respective STAB, etc.
- Residual Damage: Will-O-Wisp, Scald burns, Spore, Poison, Toxic, Leech Seed, and Hail/Sandstorm damage can render Porygon2's walling capabilities over time as it will be force to go for protect more often and leaving it expose to double targets.
- Taunt: Having a Pokemon with either Taunt can help prevent Porygon2 from either setting up Trick Room, spread status ailments, or even recovering.
Other Notable Moves
Here are a list of notable attack in which Porygon2 can utilize well:
- Icy Wind / Electoweb - Both of these attacks have a base power of 55 with the added bonus of hitting both target with a drop in their speed stats.
- Shadow Ball - Base 80 Ghost type attack for coverage against Ghost and Psychic types like Aegislash, Gengar, and Mega Gardevoir.
- Discharge - Another speed control method in which Porygon2 has a 30% chance to paralyze either target and coverage against Water and Flying types.
- Psychic - A base 90 Psychic type attack in case Porygon2 has to battle against Fighting types.
- SolarBeam - A base 120 base power Grass move but requires a turn to recharge. Can be useful with Charizard Y Sun based teams.
- Magic Coat - A high based priority move which protects the user from any status conditions.
- Swagger - Raises the attack by 2 stages but causes confusion as well.
For those who got this far thanks for reading this article!