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Week 22 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat!
If you were a Pokemon, what typing would you get and why?
anything but normal because i'm not normal ....... at all
  • If you were to create a new typing, what would it be? Would old Pokémon get this new typing? If yes, which ones?
  Lego type.... it would be super efefctive against everything (also cryogonal would get it as it kinda looks like lego)
  • If you had to give a Generation 2 Pokémon an Alola Form, which Pokémon would you pick and how would you make it different/better? Why?
Shuckleit would become bug dragon (as it is a dragon in disguise) and would improve it's attack massively and it would be majestic as anything
  • What is the most recent series/anime/TV show that you watched?
  • Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?
movies as it gives me a visual image of the thing i am watching

@ChaseInfinity  What is this 'pokemon' thing everyone keeps talking about here i just don't understand it

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RE: Week 22 Meet and Greet- Come and Take a Seat! - by Mattienator - Oct 19, 2016, 08:23 AM

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