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[RATE MY TEAM] My first ever VGC team
So as many of you know, and as the title states, I'm completely new to VGC and thi is my first ever team. It's taken me a while to build, and
any help would be appreciated, because I'm sure there's some gaping flaw in this team which I haven't noticed :D

Things in bold have been changed

[Image: swampert.gif]
Swampert-Mega @ Swampertite
Ability: Swift Swim
Level: 50
EVs: 84 HP / 252 Atk / 172 Spe100 HP / 252 Atk / 156 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Protect

So I wasn't really sure about what to do with these EVs. With 150 base Attack, M Swampert will hit hard even if it isn't fully invested, but I decided to give him max attack just so he hits the hardest he can. 172 speed outspeeds jolly 252 speed M Aerodactyl without tailwind, and because of this, will also outspeed timid M Sceptile in the rain. I just chucked the leftover EVs in HP
Waterfall and earthquake are for STAB, while Ice Punch i for dragon types.
Evs changed to still out speed Timid M Sceptile in the rain, but not Jolly aerodactyl

[Image: politoed.gif]
Politoed @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 192 Def / 108 SpA / 140 SpD
Modest Nature
- Protect
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Scald

After doing some research, it seems that Politoeds are usually choice scarfed, but I wanted a bulkier Politoed, so I didn't invest in speed and decided to put a damp rock on it to extend the rain.
I did make quite a lot of calcs to come to ts EV spread, but I cant remember what I calced for Don't hate me
I think it can survive a timid M Manecric Thunderbolt.

[Image: goodra.gif]
Goodra @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Rain Dance
- Dragon Pulse
- Sludge WaveSludge Bomb
- Protect

Goodra is on the team for an extra rain setter. It's got 150 base Sp.Def, so it's already bulky in that area, so I decided to make it Bold with 252HP/252Def to survive Jolly Life orb Garchomp's Dragon claw. Dragon Pulse doesn't OHKO it back though so I'm thinking of changing this to Draco Meteor, which will OHKO it. Sludge wave is for fairy coverage

[Image: whimsicott.gif]
Whimsicott @ Mental Herb Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Def / 12 SpD / 220 Spe252 HP/ 36 SpA / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Taunt
- Protect
- Encore
- Giga Drain

This is mainly for thundurus, because 220 Timid nature is able to outspeed 252 timid Thudurus. The idea is to taunt it, and KO it before it can do any statusing. Encore is there for fake out users, and giga drain is there to have an attacking move. Mental herb is just in case I get unexpectedly taunted myself (I.e. if someone who hasn't been taunted taunts me), but I'm not really sure if this is necessary
Decided to put the 36 spare EVs into SpA to get 3HKO on most calm Rotom-W variants

[Image: escavalier.gif]
Escavalier @ Choice Band
Ability: Swarm
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Megahorn
- Iron Head
- X-Scissor
- Drill Run

My cresselia Killer. 252 Attack adamant choice band has an 81.3% chance to OHKO 252HP/252Def Bold nature, and it could stop them from setting up TR since Escavalier is slower. Drill run is for other steel types, Iron head is another stab move and X-scissor is for accuracy if i don't want to miss Megahorn

[Image: rotom-heat.gif]
Rotom-Heat @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 36 Def / 140 SpA / 4 SpD / 84 Spe252 HP / 116 Def / 100 SpA / 40 SpD
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp

Rotom is here to have a bit of coverage, and get a couple of burns off on some physical attackers, while still being able to do some damage. Thunderbolt is the main attacking move, but if the rain isn't up, I've got an overheat to use as well

This a set is one I found on the internet, because I didn't how I should EV it

Thoughts and help greatly appreciated :D
Very good job on your team as your first build. Just from looks of it they look like a VGC competitor that knows a thing or two.
I'll give rates on each pokemon down the list.

Swampert build: 10/10
Perfect job not investing full EVs into speed because Swift swim doubles your speed. You put a very good amount to make it where he has 224 Speed stat in the rain. The full on 252 Attack EVs are perfect because now you get max power from his base 150 and this allows you to wreck through walls such as Evolite Chansey, Blissy, Umbreon, ect. Then the finishing 80 HP EVs to give him some added bulk to his awesome self.
Fantastic job thinking this out here.

Politoed build 10/10.
People think running Scarfed Politoed is a smart idea but if you run the numbers he isn't as fast as you think unless you try to max out speed which just all around takes away from him. Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Scald account for supporting Swampert and getting out the lead threats. BTW It can tank a Thunderbolt as shown in
252 SpA Mega Manectric Thunderbolt vs. 68 HP / 140 SpD Politoed: 264-312 (78.1 - 92.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Goodra buid: 9/10
With Rain dance you keep the flow of that rain dance advantage and keep moving along. I like the idea of building bulk in defense to make him a 2HKO to Garchomp Dragon Claw.
252 Atk Garchomp Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Goodra: 236-282 (61.4 - 73.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Rain Dance works. STAB Dragon Pulse works. Sludge Wave becareful with because it hits EVERYBODY meaning your 2nd pokemon on the field as well. Protect I am going to believe is to stall and get hydration to kick in correct?

Whimsicott: 9/10
The build standing alone is a great build.
My problems are with the moveset and how well it really fits into with the team. This being because Think of this.
Politoed: What do you bring? Sp.Attack Electric
Rotom: What do you bring? Sp.attack Water
Swampert: What do you bring? Sp.Attack Grass.
The point being is I am going to be bringing SP.Attackers to the party to help gets some KOs possibly. And those Attackers will have an Ice beam/x4 Sludge Bomb ready for whismicott and if I can get one move off its a OHKO.
252 SpA Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 12 SpD Whimsicott: 314-372 (96.9 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
So you need to watch out for what threats it can get especially because of the fact that it isn't sashed so be very cautions.
I don't like Encore on Whimsicott only because I got Encored I can just switch out into something else and get the KO blast. It becomes a game changer as a late game play but early game this isn't a move to be relying on.

Escavailar: ??/??
The idea of it being the cresselia killer is awesome. Its the perfect pokemon because it can take its TR and used against, can't be OHKOed from Sucker Punch Bisharp, and the rain kills any fire type moves.
Be careful of sun teams though because once your Drizzle is gone and the Sun comes out your team is very much in trouble because a ton of different factors. Ninetales Drought goes after Drizzle and gets rain off. Charizard Y has Drought so when he megas he takes that advantage and Solar beam the waters and waits for Escavailar. So the only threat to him is Sun teams (Which is an overall threat to the whole team kinda) but otherwise the pokemon with a STAB Choice Band x2 Bug move will easily drop Cresselia heavy.

Rotom: 8/10
The sitrus item is the perfect held item for him.
I want you to revise the EV spreads because smaller things like 4.Sp.Def isn't worth your time at all and is a waste of EVs. Also why not be Modest to increase power? You never want a +0 -0 nature on your pokemon unless its something like a mixed attacker. But for this it can be bulk or it can be powerhouse. Then on the fact that you can use Thunder instead of Tbolt for Rain then swap over to Overheat when the rain ends. So there are some things that can really be improved in within the EVs. I like the moveset except I question why Protect?

Overall very good team for you to start off with in VGC15 will just take adjusting from looking at paper to seeing it first hand and playing against everything.
@Icey Thanks man! I wasn't sure about what item to put on whimsicott, so do you think sash will be better? or should I look for an alternative? It's on the team to taunt thundurus and then hopefully I can KO it before it can do anything.

also rotom was meant to be modest, I didn't realise I hadn't changed the nature. As for the EV spread, it was one I seen online. I want it to be somewhat bulky while still being able to hit back hard, but I'm unsure how I should EV it

and yes protect on Goodra is mainly for hydration if I need it, or if I need to protect to earthquake
(Dec 18, 2014, 10:16 AM)Eckley Wrote: @Icey Thanks man! I wasn't sure about what item to put on whimsicott, so do you think sash will be better? or should I look for an alternative? It's on the team to taunt thundurus and then hopefully I can KO it before it can do anything.

also rotom was meant to be modest, I didn't realise I hadn't changed the nature. As for the EV spread, it was one I seen online. I want it to be somewhat bulky while still being able to hit back hard, but I'm unsure how I should EV it

Sash is the best item for him to run in general because we can give him overall bulk but his moveset would have to change and get him like stun spore or something to slow down everybody else.

As for rotom it depends on what you feel is more of a threat to him the Physical Rocks or the Sp.Def Water moves. If you feel like Sp.Def is more of a threat then throw those mentioned bad EVs into there to help him out because like I said 4 EVs in SP.Def is unrealistic to make a difference.
I'm going to change rotom's evs. also didn't know sludge wave hit everybody, I though it only hit the two foes like heat wave does, I'll change that to sludge bomb
Okay, so I've changed Rotom's EVs to 252 HP / 116 Def / 100 SpA / 40 SpD which survives Neural Sp.Attack natured Rotom-W Hydro Pump with up to 112 EVs in Sp.Attack. when the rain isn't up. It's a 52% chance to be 2HKO'd by Adamant 252 attack waterfall from azumarill, and it's a 50% chance to be OHKO'd by adamant 252 Attack waterfall from M Swampert with no rain. Adamant 252 Attack Landorus-T's Rock slide does 56-66.2% and Jolly Life orb rock slide from Garchomp does 61.1%-72.6%.

I've gone for a defensive variant to survive physical attackers and hopefully get a burn on them. I thought this would be better than trying to survive water type attacks, since I'm running a rain team, and if the rain is still up, rotom is going to get OHKO'd by a water attack anyway

Is this spread ok?

Edit: I think I calced these in singles, so in doubles, wouldn't the rock slides be doing less?
Damn I wish I was this good when I made my first team!

I feel like you're going to be a good VGC battler Eckley :D
(Dec 18, 2014, 11:15 AM)Eckley Wrote: Okay, so I've changed Rotom's EVs to 252 HP / 116 Def / 100 SpA / 40 SpD which survives Neural Sp.Attack natured Rotom-W Hydro Pump with up to 112 EVs in Sp.Attack. when the rain isn't up. It's a 52% chance to be 2HKO'd by Adamant 252 attack waterfall from azumarill, and it's a 50% chance to be OHKO'd by adamant 252 Attack waterfall from M Swampert with no rain. Adamant 252 Attack Landorus-T's Rock slide does 56-66.2% and Jolly Life orb rock slide from Garchomp does 61.1%-72.6%.

I've gone for a defensive variant to survive physical attackers and hopefully get a burn on them. I thought this would be better than trying to survive water type attacks, since I'm running a rain team, and if the rain is still up, rotom is going to get OHKO'd by a water attack anyway

Is this spread ok?

Edit: I think I calced these in singles, so in doubles, wouldn't the rock slides be doing less?

Yes Rock slide's power is lowered just like EQ when hitting multiple opponents rather just one. But if you ran the numbers with it being in singles then the attack power will be even less that is with the mentality that it hits both your 2 pokemon on the field. I like the EV spread with bulk instead of trying to be an offensive attacker. This flows with the team a whole lot better.
(Dec 18, 2014, 11:43 AM)Eeveeli Wrote: Damn I wish I was this good when I made my first team!

I feel like you're going to be a good VGC battler Eckley :D

Thanks Eevee! I hope you're right! I still need to practice actually battling though :D

(Dec 18, 2014, 12:11 PM)IceyGamer Wrote: Yes Rock slide's power is lowered just like EQ when hitting multiple opponents rather just one. But if you ran the numbers with it being in singles then the attack power will be even less that is with the mentality that it hits both your 2 pokemon on the field. I like the EV spread with bulk instead of trying to be an offensive attacker. This flows with the team a whole lot better.

Thanks! Hopefully the team works out in testing
(Dec 18, 2014, 12:38 PM)Eckley Wrote: Thanks! Hopefully the team works out in testing
Time to get your PGL on and do some Rating Battle Spot.

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