Jan 8, 2015, 02:50 PM
What Pokemon game release do you long for? What content would you want in it? What remakes do you want next and what would you like changed in it?
(Before I talk I just want to say this is some thoughts I'm having. I know the pattern of Game Freaks Pokemon game releases and that we can expect Z/x2 & y2 next.)
I think I would like to see another remake before the end Gen6. And I don't think it will be Diamond/Pearl. The next games to remake will be Red and Blue. They are chronologically the next pokemon games up for a paint job and their 20th Anniversary is fast approaching.
However, would gamefreak give it a fresh spin rather than an ORAS treatment? (By this I mean improved character and story developments, on top of the graphics)
To be honest, I think most people would be very happy with the ORAS treatment of Red and Blue as a release, but I for one would like something completely different: a Black & Black 2/White & White 2 sequel style game.
This could be done by remaking Pokemon Yellow and the sequel (set 3 years later) Pokemon Crystal.
The alterations Game Freak would be mainly to Pokemon Yellow. Perhaps with access to a 3 years earlier Johto as a post-game which would mirror the 3 years later Kanto post game in Crystal. With things like the magnet train station being built and Faulkner's dad being the first gym leader instead of him etc..
The storyline could have a closer connection than before with the Rocket admins in Crystal making appearences in Yellow, with maybe a origin story for Mewtwo & Mew based around the first movie or Pokemon adventures manga which would give more bulk to the Team Rocket storyline.
I think this would be a fresh take on the games and would be a real reason to buy both games (other than being a sweaty Nintendo fanboy
(Before I talk I just want to say this is some thoughts I'm having. I know the pattern of Game Freaks Pokemon game releases and that we can expect Z/x2 & y2 next.)
I think I would like to see another remake before the end Gen6. And I don't think it will be Diamond/Pearl. The next games to remake will be Red and Blue. They are chronologically the next pokemon games up for a paint job and their 20th Anniversary is fast approaching.
However, would gamefreak give it a fresh spin rather than an ORAS treatment? (By this I mean improved character and story developments, on top of the graphics)
To be honest, I think most people would be very happy with the ORAS treatment of Red and Blue as a release, but I for one would like something completely different: a Black & Black 2/White & White 2 sequel style game.
This could be done by remaking Pokemon Yellow and the sequel (set 3 years later) Pokemon Crystal.
The alterations Game Freak would be mainly to Pokemon Yellow. Perhaps with access to a 3 years earlier Johto as a post-game which would mirror the 3 years later Kanto post game in Crystal. With things like the magnet train station being built and Faulkner's dad being the first gym leader instead of him etc..
The storyline could have a closer connection than before with the Rocket admins in Crystal making appearences in Yellow, with maybe a origin story for Mewtwo & Mew based around the first movie or Pokemon adventures manga which would give more bulk to the Team Rocket storyline.
I think this would be a fresh take on the games and would be a real reason to buy both games (other than being a sweaty Nintendo fanboy