So I've been breeding a number of mons for quite a while and have a nice stock of breedjects lined up. Most are 6IV, some are 5 but in the perfect stats.
Here's what I got:
Bulbasaur (Overgrow, Bold) [egg moves: giga drain]
Kangashkhan (Scrappy, Adamant)
Larvesta (Flame Body, Calm)
Honedge (No guard, Quiet) [all egg moves: wide guard, shadow sneak, metal sound, destiny bond]
Sableye (Prankster, Impish) [edit- egg moves: recover, zen headbutt]
Scyther (Technician, Adamant) [egg moves: defog, endure, quick guard, baton pass]
Spiritomb (Pressure, Modest)
Pawniard (Defiant, Adamant)
Beldum (Clear body, Jolly)
Froakie (Protean, Adamant) [not the standard modest set obvs, was trying summin new]
Froakie (Protean, Modest) [i.e the standard set]
Magikarp (Swift Swim, Impish)
Magikarp (Swift swim, Adamant)
Ralts (Trace, Modest)
Gastly (Levitate, Timid)
Shellder (skill link, adamant) [egg moves: rock blast, icicle spear]
Timburr (guts, adamant) [egg moves: mach punch, drain punch]
growlithe (intimidate, adamant) [egg moves: flare blitz, close combat]
Marill (Huge power, adamant) [egg moves: superpower, belly drum, aqua jet]
Horsea (Sniper, modest)
Fletchling (Gale wings, adamant)
Ferroseed (Iron Barbs, Sassy) [egg moves: spikes, stealth rock, leech seed]
Torchic (Speed boost, adamant)
Feebas (Oblivious, modest) [egg moves: mirror coat]
Deino (Hustle, modest) [egg moves: earth power]
Togepi (Serene grace, modest) [egg moves: stored power, nasty plot]
New arrivals:
Dratini (Marvel scale, adamant) [egg moves: dragon rush, dragon dance, extreme speed, iron tail]
Rotom (Levitate, modest)
Totodile (Sheer force, jolly) [egg moves: ice punch, crunch]
Snivy (Contrary, timid) [egg moves: glare]
Frillish (Cursed body, calm) [egg moves: recover]
Poliwag (Swift swim, calm)
Please limit to a maximum of 3 choices per person.
Post or PM me with your FC and IGN and i'll see what I can do, and remember to add me:
IGN: Aether
FC 5387-0591-4626
I also have a large stock of pokemon that I've already bred and trained but don't have breedjects for, so if there is one you want that you don't see on the list, lemme know and I'll tell you if I can or not.
Here's what I got:
Bulbasaur (Overgrow, Bold) [egg moves: giga drain]
Kangashkhan (Scrappy, Adamant)
Larvesta (Flame Body, Calm)
Honedge (No guard, Quiet) [all egg moves: wide guard, shadow sneak, metal sound, destiny bond]
Sableye (Prankster, Impish) [edit- egg moves: recover, zen headbutt]
Scyther (Technician, Adamant) [egg moves: defog, endure, quick guard, baton pass]
Spiritomb (Pressure, Modest)
Pawniard (Defiant, Adamant)
Beldum (Clear body, Jolly)
Froakie (Protean, Adamant) [not the standard modest set obvs, was trying summin new]
Froakie (Protean, Modest) [i.e the standard set]
Magikarp (Swift Swim, Impish)
Magikarp (Swift swim, Adamant)
Ralts (Trace, Modest)
Gastly (Levitate, Timid)
Shellder (skill link, adamant) [egg moves: rock blast, icicle spear]
Timburr (guts, adamant) [egg moves: mach punch, drain punch]
growlithe (intimidate, adamant) [egg moves: flare blitz, close combat]
Marill (Huge power, adamant) [egg moves: superpower, belly drum, aqua jet]
Horsea (Sniper, modest)
Fletchling (Gale wings, adamant)
Ferroseed (Iron Barbs, Sassy) [egg moves: spikes, stealth rock, leech seed]
Torchic (Speed boost, adamant)
Feebas (Oblivious, modest) [egg moves: mirror coat]
Deino (Hustle, modest) [egg moves: earth power]
Togepi (Serene grace, modest) [egg moves: stored power, nasty plot]
New arrivals:
Dratini (Marvel scale, adamant) [egg moves: dragon rush, dragon dance, extreme speed, iron tail]
Rotom (Levitate, modest)
Totodile (Sheer force, jolly) [egg moves: ice punch, crunch]
Snivy (Contrary, timid) [egg moves: glare]
Frillish (Cursed body, calm) [egg moves: recover]
Poliwag (Swift swim, calm)
Please limit to a maximum of 3 choices per person.
Post or PM me with your FC and IGN and i'll see what I can do, and remember to add me:
IGN: Aether
FC 5387-0591-4626
I also have a large stock of pokemon that I've already bred and trained but don't have breedjects for, so if there is one you want that you don't see on the list, lemme know and I'll tell you if I can or not.