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[ORAS] Unfinished ORAS chat (no story spoilers guys not even inside spoiler tags)
just try to think of some crazy self imposed rule to make it harder
or i cud just play the game then trade them in for the post game XD

Edit: jeez they managed to make the dowsing machine look even stupider than in x/Y

There's an inverse battle place in mauville city guys!!!! i'm scared it will be an online mode now, eeveeli's normal gym will be deadly
@ Evil

If the league/gyms are still a thing then. We have a tournament/battles to decide the order of the gyms on the 10th of December (Which was told 20 days ago, we haven't talked since) so I have to kinda hurry and finish the game since I still need to breed my whole mono normal team xD But yea it would be great if that was a online mode :D
i have bred kang's and a tonne of bunaries etc if you need a hand pretty simple for me to breed a couple of pokes for you :D

Hunting for an aron and abra atm with acceptable natures and just found 1 with insane def then next hit i crit....
LMK when you guys get your base figured out.
will do icey just prob won't be for a while
I was fishing for Feebas to complete the DexNav at route 119 and got a shiny Magikarp. I already have a shiny Magikarp on X, but that is ok, I'll just evolve this one to Gyarados.

EDIT: wow... I found a shiny Carvanha. Still no Feebas though.
lol nice koro took me ages to reset till i got my timid latias just reached the berry masters garden and am collecting all the berries there before i look to head onwards to fortree.

Also scouting base locations while i go
Okay so where are you guys at?

I just go the HM surf/5th badge so i'm doing pretty well :D

My team right now is: Sandslash(lv24) Swellow(lvl31) Grovyle(lvl31) Manectric(lvl30) HM-slave Linoone(lvl27) and Delcatty(lvl32) :D
I'm currently in sootopolis, about to get kyogre. Might have been further if I didn't spend so long using the dex nav to get a brave bird taillow and an aqua jet corphish haha

My team now and for the rest of the game is sceptile (47), swellow (46), torkoal (45), pikachu (not the cosplay) (43) crawdaunt (44) and snorunt (soon to be glalie) (41)

In case you didn't know, it's ash's team from the AG the series. Don't ask how I remember

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