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• Wei • Jdawg • Nimthiel • Wolfslash •

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0Qd0Uai6F6jEUTcKK6IE...PWEtJlgCxw]
Hiya everyone! As a follow up (basically Update 3.0) to THIS previous thread,
we are officially back to give away more eggs to you wonderful people!

Why eggs? Well, so that you can be their OT (Original Trainer),
give them nicknames - they're YOUR lil' babies! :P

As usual, we provide:
[Image: bulbasaur.gif][Image: charmander.gif][Image: squirtle.gif][Image: chikorita.gif][Image: cyndaquil.gif][Image: totodile.gif][Image: treecko.gif][Image: torchic.gif][Image: mudkip.gif]
[Image: turtwig.gif][Image: chimchar.gif][Image: piplup.gif][Image: snivy.gif][Image: tepig.gif][Image: oshawott.gif][Image: chespin.gif][Image: fennekin.gif][Image: froakie.gif]
(Normal abilities/NEW!HA)

[Image: phione.gif]

(Psst.. Nimthiel/Wolfslash can guarantee at least 5ivs :D )

What each of us are offering:
Wei's starter + Phione corner (FC: 3540-1014-7457)

  • All HA Starters/All normal ability starters (Most HA Starters come with egg moves)
  • Torrent Squirtle with Water Spout, Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere
  • Phione
  • Is able to help with tradebacks if you ever need to evolve something!
Jdawg's starter and HA corner (FC: 4571-0503-4975)

  • All normal ability starters
  • HA Starters include: Froakie, Chespin, Oshawott, Snivy, Charmander (with egg moves)
  • HA mons: Gligar, Ditto, Sableye, Druddigon, Vulpix
  • Is able to help with tradebacks if you ever need to evolve something!
Nimthiel's 5-6iv BR breedject corner (FC: 3265-5436-3511)

  • Vulpix w/Drought (HA)
    - Extrasensory
    - Heat wave
  • Marill w/Huge Power
    -Aqua jet
    - Belly drum
    - Superpower
  • Togepi w/Serene Grace
    - Nasty plot
  • Drifloon w/Unburden
    - Minimize
    - Tailwind
    - Destiny bond
  • Shuckle w/ Contrary (HA)
    - Rollout
    - Knock off
    - Helping hand
    - Acupressure
    (y'all better get it, it's her favourite Pokemon)
  • Phione (Bold nature)
  • Is able to help with tradebacks if you ever need to evolve something!
Wolfslash's HA corner (FC: 2809-9217-0792)

  • Able to breed 5ivs/the nature you want during the weekends!
  • Starters with HA: Tepig, Fennekin, Cyndaquil (with Extrasensory egg move), Bulbasaur (with 4 egg moves listed below)
  • Other HA Pokemon: Goomy, Litwick, Spiritomb, Starly, Fennekin, Togepi, Riolu, Nidoran (M/F), Poliwag, Binacle
  • HA mons with egg moves:
    - Extreme Speed
    - Fake Out
    - Brave Bird
    - Synthesis
    - Leaf Storm
    - Petal Dance
    - Ingrain
    Nidoran (Male)
    - Head Smash

Here's how to get your eggs: (READ THOROUGHLY!)

1) Reply this thread with this format:
(@Nimthiel or @Wolfslash etc. This makes it easier for us to respond quickly to your request.)
Pokemon(s) wanted:
*PLEASE MENTION "HA" or "Non-HA" for those getting starters from Wei*

2) Add the FC of the particular egg breeder. We will trade via PSS.
(If you requested an egg from Jdawg, add Jdawg's FC etc.)

And no, we cannot guarantee nature/ivs UNLESS STATED (like for Nimthiel/Wolfslash's corner)

(Until we have finished trading you the eggs, you may only request for more.)

As usual, happy hatching! :D
Give my friends a rep if they've helped you in any way - they deserve it!
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
P/S: If you see me online, I will definitely trade your eggs with you! If I don't accept your trade request, however, I might be busy battling/at the GTS/Pokemon Amie-ing. Once I am done, I will most certainly give you a trade request, so don't offline just yet! :D

Current status: CLOSED
(Am back but I am still busy with post-vacation sorting-outs. Will notify if I'm back online)

READY TO TRADE (carried forth from the last thread)
Pokefan: Piplup, Phione
digaopg96 (digonidas): Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
DakarMix: Phione, Turtwig
Legion: Snorlax, Furfrou, Riolu
Billy0916: HA Froakie *Add back my FC
wyoo2007 (William): HA Charmander, Phione *Add back my FC
jian962000 (Jian Dong): HAFroakie, HACharmander, HAChimchar
MenenoPlayzPokemon (Meneno): Phione, Chespin, Chikorita *Add back my FC
Samantha: HA Bulbasaur, HA Squirtle, HA Charmander
SoulPK (Green): HA Chimchar, HA Froakie
Aresthagod77 (Ares): HA Turtwig
TheBigM (Miggy): HA Squirtle (sorry my HA Squirt has no egg moves! My norm ability one does) *Add back my FC
victhordiz (Victhor): HA Torchic
Tridentbolt (Abdur): EM Squirtle *Add back my FC
ZombieNinjaTroll (Ethan): HA Chespin, HA Mudkip, HA Fennekin
Arch0din (Alex): HA Bulbasaur
Markings (Beng): EM Squirtle
Liftlobby (Soap): HA Chimchar *Add back my FC


GCSkullGaming (SkullGaming): HA Froakie
Cheese33tree (Jonathan): Chimchar, Turtwig, Phione, Chansey
Jouzea: HA Squirtle
ImHounds (Gian): Bulbasaur, Fennekin, Totodile, Piplup, Oshawott, Tepig, Torchic, Treecko
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
Currently closed reason: my lofe is kust to hectic to be able to do this
Breeding in progress


ready to trade
jouzeas chespin and gligar (slight fault with chespin)

the best way to contact me is my secondary email if further help is needed Smile

have fun read the rules dont forget rep
This is the lore of the jungle as old and as true as the sky the wolf that shall keep it may prosper but the wolf that shall break it must die
Hey there folks! Hope you enjoy my new HA mons! Also I will breed them with up to 5IVs and your fav. nature, but only at the weekend! Please understand that Ive got much work from Mo-Fri, and in addition, Ive got Taekwon-Do lessons twice a week, and Im living in Germany, so it will maybe happen that you‘ll get your egg(s) a little bit later than I tell you

-Please write if you really need the 5IVs, otherwise you wont get it.


Accepted order/Breeding in progress:
@Xilitplayer[Goomy, Cyndaquil]
@ZombieNinjaTroll [Dratini]

Ready to trade :
@Michael.P [5IV Bulbasaur]
@ForestEmerald [Starters]


T??M? P??K R?????E

Notice:XD I found my password. Yeaaaaaay xD
[OFFLINE] (Update: 1/22/16) It's that time of year again to start the spring college semester, and also just started a new job~ I'll need some time to adjust to my new lifestyle, but I'll be back to help all of you when I can. Feel free to continue to leave requests, I'll update the "Accepting oder/Breeding in progress" category in this post once I see them, and work on them when I have free time ^^

Hi everyone, Nim here. It's a pleasure to be part of this to help you guys  Smile  I usually check daily, unless something comes up or stated otherwise. I'm also a night owl, so I'm usually available at absurd ours of the night, though I cant guarantee weekends. All of the Pokemon I provide will have at least 5 IV's, and all the info you need about each one will be provided, such as egg moves and etc. When finished I will send you a PM to let you know your egg is ready, from there all we need to do is arrange a time to trade! Over time I may add to the list, so keep an eye out  Wink

Also just know that a lot of love and hard work goes into each one, so if possible, give us some love and rep. It would be wonderful knowing our work is appreciated!  :D

Accepted order/Breeding in progress:

Ready to trade :

TheMatBlocker: Marill

Eugenio: HA Shuckle
Jouzea: HA Shuckle
ImHounds: Marill, Togepi
markings: Marill, Togepi, HA Shuckle
RSubangkit: Marill, Togepi
le2017: Togepi, HA Shuckle
Tridentbolt: HA Shuckle
TheBigM: Togepi
m0thchild: Marill, Phione
Swimmingpenguin791: Marill
gobrou: HA Cyndaquil
Holler at us! Wink
Probably the slowest Kalos trainer ever: Over 150 hours & still at Coumarine City.
Check out our egg giveaway - The Egg Collaborations

Do not PM me for now - inbox full!
Are they shiny?
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
(Dec 16, 2015, 06:53 PM)Aiyana Wrote: Are they shiny?

Short answer: No

Long answer: Since its an egg giveaway, we are taking requests and breeding them ourselves before giving them to the client. If the requested pokemon is being given away with its HA, then we will hatch it first to make sure it has the right ability, but either way you guys will get the desired pokemon as an egg. We can't guarantee that they will be shiny as that is not what we're aiming for, but due to the secret ID system, it COULD be shiny for you upon hatching. It would be the same chances if you bred an egg yourself (I can only speak for myself, but all eggs I breed would be via musada method, don't know about the my fellow collaborators however). As it probably wont happen, it would be a neat surprise on the VERY off chance it does Smile

Pokemon Wanted: Shuckle with HA
IGN: Enrique
Friend Code: 3024-7899-6553
Pokemon Wanted: Marill, Togepi
IGN: Gian
FC: 3883-8554-4166
Pokemon Wanted: Bulbasaur (5iv, Bold nature)
IGN: Gian
FC: 3883-8554-4166

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