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(January 3rd is my birthday ironically, aha)

Well, this year was quite an adventure for me, if I do say so myself. I'm a senior in high school, and just transferred to a new school. I had a tough time fitting in, and getting through classes. But eventually I settled in and became one of the crowd. I got really good grades and kept up with all the events throughout school. I even got an internship for my art career! Then....stuff happened. My grandfather passed away and it hit me really hard. I started to struggle in school, lost a lot of friends through isolation and eventually broke down all together. I trudged on the next couple of months, until one of my teachers started to notice my mood. He became a close friend. and helped me push through and become strong again. I consider him a grandfather now, in place of losing my own. I love seeing him at school every day and look forward to making him proud of me. As for my school life, it improved again vastly and everything returned to normal eventually. I picked up on my pkmn too, becoming an avid shiny hunter and breeder, and nothing brings me more joy these days than by catching a shiny pkmn!
So, I'm thankful for my teacher, loving family for cheering me on, and last but not least, having a home, and food on my table everyday. <3

That's all I can think of! Thank you for doing this event! It's really rad and kind of you! Best wishes everyone! Look out 2016!!!

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by NuzlockePaws - Dec 21, 2015, 10:29 AM

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