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This year has been the hardest, most stressful and most meaningful year for me. As I have been working on my college applications, I've been under stress from my peers, my family as well as my own expectations. However, after going through the whole process, I've found out tons about myself, my dreams and my ideals for my future self.

This year has also been the happiest year of my life, being a senior in highschool. I've realized how important it is to have friends and to have families. I've realized how precious each moment of my life is. I will be sad to graduate from high school. But I'm proud to be a student at my school and a friend of all my besties!

Thanks for reading this! Happy New Year!!!

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RE: SHINY Mini Mew Giveaway!!! [NEW YEARS GIVEAWAY!!] - by jasmine1510 - Dec 28, 2015, 08:39 PM

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