Apr 28, 2016, 03:44 PM
Yesterday was a bit poor. I was about to give up after the whole day multitasking to keep wonder trading and got nothing interesting, but just about when I was to stop it (I was running low on battery as well) I got back to back a Shiny Baltoy and a Shiny Hawlucha, both with the right competitive nature and perfect IVs, totally worth it! :D
I'm starting to use Pokemon Bank to store breedjects for WTW. I thought about releasing them, but seems like a waste to release so many 4 and 5 IV Pokemons, even if they end up with someone who has no idea what that means, most of them might help complete some dexes. At least they're not Zigzagoons :D
I'm starting to use Pokemon Bank to store breedjects for WTW. I thought about releasing them, but seems like a waste to release so many 4 and 5 IV Pokemons, even if they end up with someone who has no idea what that means, most of them might help complete some dexes. At least they're not Zigzagoons :D