Entry Hazards is definitely one of the most defining aspects in any singles-based metagame as getting that vital chip damage is important to ensure the OHKOs. Personally, every team must have some form of hazards as well as potentially Defog/Rapid Spin to get rid of them (unless they are completely Hyper Offensive themselves). Thing about hazards is player don't really take into consideration how important it can be during the whole duration of the battle. Setting hazards quick is key, but not without losing some valuable momentum as Naitre mentioned. Personally my favorite form of hazards is Toxic Spikes (especially in League Format) as there some games were teams don't have responses of it and the damage just kepts racking up. Don't know why most players do this, but its better to setup one layer of Toxic Spikes instead of two, unless you are facing some kinda of stall or bulky team with decent recovery. Reason being is the first two turns of Poisoned Toxic Spikes will deal about 25% as opposed to like 18.75% from Toxic poison. The damage will even itself out at 3 turns, but very likely the opponent's has swapped out.
Anyways amazing hazard guide Rogue and don't feel terrible about doing those late night guides since we've all done that before.
Anyways amazing hazard guide Rogue and don't feel terrible about doing those late night guides since we've all done that before.