Oct 19, 2016, 08:23 AM
If you were a Pokemon, what typing would you get and why?
anything but normal because i'm not normal ....... at all
@ChaseInfinity What is this 'pokemon' thing everyone keeps talking about here i just don't understand it
anything but normal because i'm not normal ....... at all
- If you were to create a new typing, what would it be? Would old Pokémon get this new typing? If yes, which ones?
- If you had to give a Generation 2 Pokémon an Alola Form, which Pokémon would you pick and how would you make it different/better? Why?
- What is the most recent series/anime/TV show that you watched?
- Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?
@ChaseInfinity What is this 'pokemon' thing everyone keeps talking about here i just don't understand it